Example sentences of "[noun] and [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle , provisionally signed on 30 April 1748 , and finally concluded on 18 October , which ended the War of the Austrian Succession ( and of Jenkins 's Ear ) , the French agreed — as they had in relation to the Old Pretender under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 — to recognise the Hanoverian succession and to refuse shelter to those who challenged it .
2 The special session announced the creation of working groups to overhaul mass organizations and to strengthen participation in the municipal and provincial people 's power system of government ; and it proposed the National Assembly of People 's Power be upgraded to play a more dynamic role in assessing government performance .
3 Authority The right to control finance , information , people , equipment , materials etc. in organizations and to have access to important decision-making processes .
4 I should say that you should think , well those of us that are healthy any way , we should be glad that our body 's have stood us this length of time and have allowed us to come here to this programme and to take part in it , I 'm certainly delighted that mine 's a , gave me three children , nothing to complain about .
5 The Research Centre for Social Sciences was established in 1984 both to carry out research and to support research throughout the Faculty .
6 For ethical reasons , no social researcher should expose respondents to that possibility , and others over whom this threat does not hang or by whom it is treated lightly , such as ex-policemen and women or disgruntled members of the force , are too unrepresentative to give a balanced view of policing Therefore , it was necessary to undertake an overt study and to obtain permission for the research from the Chief Constable .
7 DUBLINERS turned out in strength last night to show their abhorrence of the IRA 's violence and to demonstrate solidarity with the bombing victims of Warrington .
8 The offensive was an attempt both to consolidate gains made over the previous two months and to wrest control of the main road and rail links to Thailand .
9 The elections had been called in early October [ see p. 37724 ] after President Wojciech Jaruzelski , the last remaining communist head of state in eastern Europe except for that of Albania , had agreed to resign just over a year into his six-year term and to transfer power to a freely elected head of state .
10 Wirral 's Olympic hero Chris Boardman will be present to open the event next Saturday and to offer encouragement to those taking part .
11 In real life , no doubt , they presented themselves as dilemmas and uncertainties , but that is a general characteristic of the relation between ideology and reality in any society , and in any social group : it does not deprive the image of its power to inspire action and to settle obligation on individuals .
12 Through this it is possible to orient oneself amidst the various schools and to make sense of the anonymous drawings , which constitute the majority . ’
13 Most governments have recognised the need to subsidise public services in rural areas and to achieve parity of incomes between rural workers and those in industrial occupations .
14 The main contractor will also have to make proper arrangements for control of operations on site , to monitor the quality of subcontracted work and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements .
15 Helpful for professional development , in that the process of carrying out systematic assessment , — recording attainment and moderating the outcomes and discussion with other teachers will provide a valuable basis for teachers to evaluate their own work and to gain access to new thinking .
16 I promise to do my best to be obedient to God , to my parents and to the Brownie Law and to give happiness to somebody every day .
17 The English actions were not combined in a single trial but subject to an order of Steyn J. which provided for the selection of lead cases to ensure determination of the major points of law and to avoid multiplicity of litigation .
18 In northern Ontario , railways that had originally been designed as ‘ colonization roads ’ to link any pioneering agricultural communities and to increase settlement in the ‘ clay belt ’ had become instead ‘ prospecting roads ’ in the remarkable scramble for the mineral riches of the area which developed in Edwardian times .
19 The Committee has convened a special meeting to prepare a considered response to the Royal College 's proposal and to begin work on its submission to the Government review of legal powers .
20 ‘ The size of my hands probably did help me to give the ball a real tweak and to develop variety in my bowling , ’ Tribe says .
21 The CIA has produced a guide , in conjunction with the Energy Efficiency Office of the Department of Trade and Industry , to assist companies in introducing , assessing and reviewing programmes for energy management and to focus attention on energy use and its environmental implications .
22 The main purpose of the meeting will be to review the procedures in light of this year 's experiences and to discuss development of the programme .
23 Their UK representative is Arvids Natzins of Corby , Northants , and he is appealing to aero clubs worldwide to ‘ twin ’ with LAK and to exchange information as the Latvians urgently need western experience to bring their club back to life and to use western practices .
24 Then it turns to the effect of the ‘ managerial revolution ’ ; that is , it says , to concentrate power in the hands of directors and to withdraw power from ineffective and acquiescent shareholders who only exercise it at times of crisis .
25 Mr Clinton seemed eager to heal wounds and to overcome dissatisfaction within his own party .
26 My right hon. Friend set out the Government 's policies some time ago in a clear document that was fully backed by the CBI , which believes that we have the right policies to improve our competitiveness and to take advantage of lower inflation and of business conditions around the world as they improve .
27 In order to standardize bill of lading texts and to promote uniformity of practice , the Hague Rules listed a number of required statements reminiscent of the Harter Act 's requirements .
28 The Supreme Soviet had resolved to reassume control over Izvestiya in October , but the Mass Media Committee of the Supreme Soviet decided on Oct. 27 to renew examination of the issue and to submit information to the Constitutional Court and the Court of Arbitration [ for background see pp. 39020 ; 39058 ] .
29 On 24 February 1986 , LAG issued a booklet , Lignite on the Loughshore — the case for community survival , which they circulated among politicians , universities and the media to increase awareness of the issue and to increase pressure on the British Government to hold an inquiry on both the environmental and social impacts of the mining .
30 It requires collective agreement in the form of government to define the property rights that are the objects of exchange and to enforce contract through the legal system .
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