Example sentences of "[noun] and [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The exploration of what each part of the body can express in isolation and then in co-ordination with the rest is possibly the most important aspect of a choreographer 's work if it seeks to be modern in spirit and technique .
2 Only when they have examined what hands , arms , legs and feet , body and above all the head can do in isolation and then in harmony with the story , theme or music , can they set out and create a style which will be general in structure and particular in texture , with the right quality , mood , emotion , action and character .
3 At 26 Mr MacConachie went into banking with Lloyds and then into finance with the Ford Motor Company , rising to a senior management position during ‘ ten very happy years ’ working all over the UK .
4 It 'll be better , more straightforward with Jeff and away from home .
5 He was followed first by Hawkbit and then by Fiver .
6 The differences in male and female secondary characteristics listed by Darwin shaded into intellect ; women were referred to as more intuitive and more ‘ capable of rapid perception and perhaps of imitation ’ .
7 At that time women were generally regarded as economically dependent on their husbands and less in need of an independent source of income in retirement .
8 It is a passport to altered states of consciousness and ultimately to self-realisation .
9 Although I have chosen to begin reading Marx 's theory of ideology by reference to his concept of consciousness , the material form of consciousness and also of ideology is clearly language :
10 In this small inward-looking world , the intrusion of death could be dreadfully destructive ; the damage could be limited partly by sharing the loss and partly by belief that it would be made good in the afterlife .
11 With absolute unselfishness , she devoted her life and resources to the building of the church on Edge Hill and later to rescue work in the East End .
12 From Castle Cary the Way passes to the left of the George Hotel into Paddock Drain , onto Lodge Hill and across to North Cadbury .
13 So , somewhat in the footsteps of the pursuers of Colonel Fawcett , who disappeared many years ago into the jungles of South America , I set out after my man , who had slipped away , sadly and silently , back into the dark continent and seemingly into history .
14 His trauma after witnessing the effects of the massacre had led progressively to the loss of his job , a slide into alcoholism and then to crime :
15 What we 're gon na do now , it 's just coming up to twenty past three , so we 'll take a tea break and then after tea we 'll come back and we 'll spend about an hour or so looking at identifying trainees .
16 And then , all I 've done is worked out some time management and say well if these guys turn up at half past eight every morning and I give them a break at ten o'clock , and they get a lunch break and then in afternoon , another break , and they finish at half past four , if everything goes to plan , by four o'clock Friday , my van should be backing up at the end of the production line to load itself up with a thousand widgets .
17 Levi 's support base was within the large Sephardi community ( members or descendants of the western branch of European Jews who settled in Spain and Portugal and latterly in north Africa , as opposed to the Askhenazi — the northern European Yiddish-speaking Jews ) , and many of his supporters claimed that the Shamir-Arens-Sharon collaboration had been nothing short of ethnic discrimination by the " Ashkenazi bosses " .
18 The report deal deals with a fair detail and concentration and then on page four this the erm main results of the different elements of the result and though grouping them into those had high levels of sport er to those that were where now the officers and a I think that if you could see that er er there was a considerable census for those from the officer part of the .
19 This ant spits painful substances at the eyes of any potential trespasser on to its territory , but through slow acclimatization to her presence , the community she studied learnt to accept her presence without fear and therefore without attack .
20 The vigorous ‘ Alice Hindley ’ carries large violet and white trumpets and apart from size is much like the variety ‘ Charles Rudd ’ .
21 Well up in Scotland of course we do n't need to save our rain water we get plenty of it coming from the unclear , but er one thing I would say would be that erm if we have a warm spell and the sun is beating on a bitumen roof and then of course suddenly a shower and that er goes into the water bucket or water barrel then it does give you maybe you know a few problems .
22 I can still see her as I first met her , a skinny , energetic schoolgirl with a flower in her shining black hair , who quickly grew into a beautiful woman and whose life became entwined with mine as together we triumphed over disease , over prejudice and even over war .
23 Do you think it would be a good idea to hold a meeting of staff managers ( project heads and above in Science , GS and above in Horticulture , Department heads in Admin , etc. ) to discuss in general terms issues of staff management within RBGE ?
24 Fowler argues that the analyst should attend particularly to the social function of linguistic structures in literature ; texts should not be viewed as self-contained systems but as process , ‘ the communicative interaction of implied speakers and thus of consciousness and of communities ’ ( p. 94 ) .
25 We found that adjusting for maternal smoking in pregnancy did not change the strength of the association between birth weight and lung function so that the effect of environment in utero on birth weight and subsequently on lung function may be independent of smoking in pregnancy .
26 The system is being used in community centres , libraries , prisons , hospitals , home visits , mobile advice units and even on radio phone-ins .
27 So we can express then the overall form of the action potential in terms of the differential activity , first of sodium channels and then of potassium ac channels .
28 Winner of the great race in 1978 with Lucius and then with Hallo Dandy in 1984 , Richards knows what it takes to win round Liverpool and do n't forget he was successful with The Antartex over the Aintree fences last year .
29 Accordingly , from the mid-1970s , research began to examine the perception and behaviour of individuals , and then to develop general conceptual and theoretical research , in a shift from the ‘ inductive ’ to the ‘ scientific ’ route shown in Figure I. I. Smith ( 1983 ) in another recent summary broadly agrees with Owens , and divides his textbook Recreation Geography into a four-stage continuum from description , to explanation , to prediction and finally to policy formulation .
30 Lachlan Watt had been about to leave Hamish and Antonia 's party when Fergus had fallen over and Fiona had decided it was time to take her husband home ; she had offered Lachy a lift back to his brother 's house , but when they 'd got there Fergus had seemed fast asleep , snoring loudly and taking no apparent notice of Fiona shaking him and shouting at him ; Lachy had volunteered to come back to the castle to help get Fergus out of the car and upstairs to bed ; Fiona would run Lachy back afterwards .
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