Example sentences of "[noun] and [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There was initial improvement but now there is no response to the remedy and the same symptoms are still present .
2 A leather wallet lay open with its contents exposed and itemised : business cards , driving licence , cheque book , banker 's card and a few stamps .
3 Near one of the posts , a hammer and a few nails had been left behind .
4 We bought one ( a mistake , we should have got two ) to supplement an old ladle-handle type of thing dug out from my past , and a hammer and a few pegs to be on the safe side .
5 I had to have a talk with Mrs Rumney and a few days later I called in at The Laurels .
6 However , there are more significant problems in that the same kinds of organizations and the same kinds of services are often accounted for differently although they are all adopting budgetary accounting .
7 She fumbled with her purse and a few seconds later she held a lighter shakily to the end of a cigarette and puffed greedily .
8 Even the critic Arthur Jerome Eddy , who was the author of the first English book on Cubism and a cautious supporter of the movement , was able to write : ‘ In short Picasso and a few followers have reached a degree of abstraction in the suppression of the real and the particular that their paintings represent the same degree of emotion as the demonstration of a difficult geometrical proposition . ’
9 Observation of zoo animals and the few accounts from naturalists in the field suggest they are a fairly stormy procedure , consisting of mock chases , vicious swipes of the female 's paw as well as obvious kisses and caresses .
10 This is one of our main tasks as directed by the Indonesian government , which will hopefully give good result and no more tribals later on [ sic ] . "
11 An analysis of the contractual relationship produces the same result and the same consequences .
12 There were some bruised shins and sprained ankles , black eyes and a few cuts and grazes but nothing you would n't get on a rugby field , although a couple of old ladies were taken off home by ambulance with attacks of the vapours .
13 Rachel found herself following him into the social club and a few minutes later when they were both seated with their drinks in the same window-seat where they had sat before she said , ‘ So what 's your connection with Conway House ? ’
14 Here Blake left them , identified himself to the surprised border guards and a few days later was flown to Mosow for a triumphant reunion with the KGB .
15 A broad drive , bordered with straggling bushes and a few trees , led down to what the map showed as Stoney Piggott 's Road .
16 Goram , exceptional throughout his reintroduction to the side , was forced to muddy his tracksuit bottoms in response to the first of Amokachi 's many attacks on the break and the more Rangers pressed forward , the more gaps there were for the Belgian side to exploit from a midfield they dominated .
17 He said it 's a couple of cocks and a few leeks chucked in .
18 Richard and a few followers escaped downstream to Geoffrey de Rancon 's castle at Taillebourg while the bulk of his troops were driven back into the cathedral , where they held out for a few days .
19 There has been no agreement on the subject and , at present , no police force on the continent can take information from the PNC and no such police force has access to it .
20 Long before dawn , I was propped on an elbow , with a warming mug of tea and a few verses of Romans .
21 Liability will not be avoided simply because the system has a fault and the same principles apply here as in the case of conventional computer software .
22 The first real indication of the mood of the new House came on Wednesday , 3 June 1992 , the day after the Danish ‘ no ’ vote and a few hours after the prime minister had told Parliament that he intended nevertheless to press ahead with the bill ratifying the Maastricht Treaty .
23 In A.D. 324 Constantine moved his capital to Byzantium and a few years later the Empire was divided into two parts , eastern and western .
24 Today they have about 27,000 US outlets including department stores , drug stores , computer stores , airport shops and a few bookshops .
25 Nestlé Foodservice awards the significant prize of £5000 worth of catering equipment to the winning college and the individuals in the winning team are each presented with a £300 cheque at a special presentation ceremony and an all expenses paid study trip to Switzerland .
26 Hazel Turkington went along to see this impressive complex and the many facilities it has to offer .
27 He said he mostly cruised now — although he had done several Fastnets and a few Ton-Cups some years ago .
28 The moralistic female I was particularly thinking of was George Eliot , because Nietzsche , the German writer , actually complained that she was a particularly moralistic female , but I was also thinking of people like Mrs Henry Wood and Amy Le Fevre and a few others like that .
29 USA hooker Tony Flay had to be replaced following an ugly facial cut and a few minutes later replacement hooker Pat Johnson had his nose broken by a punch .
30 There 's a brand new Jag and a few bits of plant up there that need to be repossessed as quickly as possible .
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