Example sentences of "[noun] and [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After that the torch was applied to a point on the Wheel and at the same moment the chocks were knocked away .
2 He unbuckled the belt and , leaving it around Newley 's waist , looped it through the wheel and through the glassless window of the door .
3 This was a view unsympathetic to religion and to the imaginative arts ; but it was not characteristic of the leading scientists , who were often interested in all kinds of things beyond their science and continued to resist the appearance of two cultures .
4 Today , the result of their endeavours can be found throughout the modern world — in industry , religion and amongst the great literary works of our time .
5 He was knighted in 1932 and was subsequently made a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh .
6 UK and EC policies have developed separately , largely in isolation and over a different time scale .
7 Hence , this method preserves the important epithelial/mesenchymal interactions during isolation and during the early stages of cell attachment and proliferation in vitro .
8 After a brief review of attempts to specify organizational characteristics and of the methodological problems they pose to the researcher , a preliminary study is reported .
9 Was it not significant that — even following the Welsh songs and with the Welsh anthem to follow — when Her Royal Highness , The Princess of Wales , was introduced to the teams before the recent Wales versus France international the first lines of God Save the Queen were marred by an outbreak of hissing and booing ?
10 This , as we have seen , is precisely what happened with the exile and in the Levitical legislation regarding ritual pollution .
11 Over the years , the VMA gradually became a students ' association and at the first general meeting of its 45th session , on 19 October 1880 , John H. Steel , the secretary and librarian , announced ‘ the Veterinary Medical Association , while having wide sympathies with its members who have become qualified practitioners , is now the Students ’ Society of the largest British Veterinary School' .
12 Secondly , he is a member of the Irish Bank Officials ' Association and at the Special Delegate Conference , in the Mansion House , Dublin on 13th March , a Resolution was passed calling on all members to support Frank Holden in his quest for justice .
13 Congratulations to Miss Kay Evans MBE , ex-President and Vice-President of the Society and Miss Eileen Alexander OBE , also one of our Vice-Presidents , on being made Fellows of the Physical Education Association for their distinguished contribution to the work of the Association and in the physical education and movement field .
14 As a form of enterprise entirely consistent with that thinking and with the given social order , Co-operation could command the support of John Stuart Mill just as much as it responded to the exhortation of Samuel Smiles .
15 Scrunch them up towards your ears and on an outward breath let them go .
16 I know we 've argued all these years and I 've been irritable , if not downright rude , but … but … ’ and Creggan was astonished to see that this fiercest of eagles was suddenly close to a profound grief and for a few moments quite unable to say anything more .
17 Suddenly we were stopped in our tracks by the sight of a mighty torrent , swelled by heavy rain , thundering down the mountainside and into the foaming river below .
18 To confirm these results , whole RNA fractions extracted from both strains and treated with 100 µg of DNAse 1 ( to eliminate DNA contamination ) were directly hybridized ( slot-blot ) with srRNA or CO III mitochondrial probes and with the nuclear probe DNA 45S ( 21 ) ( not shown ) .
19 The downturn in the tyre industry hit rubber prices , which fell to a four-year low in Asia , despite purchases for the buffer stock and by the American government for its defence stockpile .
20 Now let me say with the monthly card and with the daily page , I 'm going to be showing you a very structured approach to planning .
21 They offered Martinez millions to get them out of the Downton deal and into the Kane Corporation .
22 Earlier she had been a research fellow ( 1929–32 ) at Newnham College , now she was director of studies there ( 1933–42 ) ; she was to serve intermittently as an associate and on the governing body .
23 Language orders the world of perception and at the same time constitutes a knowing subject that perceives and yet is distinguished from that world .
24 An investigation by Allan ( 1979 ) , for instance , found that not only did the middle class have more friends , but they were also drawn from a greater variety of social settings and over a wider geographical area .
25 Of these L. terrestris , A. longa , and A. nocturna are deep burrowers and of the greatest significance in maintaining soil structure .
26 As to the amount left for food and clothing after rent and a more flexible sum for heat had been deducted , wives tended to act as the buffer against the needs of husbands and to a lesser extent children .
27 In the novel he stays polarized , but without bulk and in a tragic sense without force ; he goes through the motions ( ‘ the habits of a decent man ’ and so forth ) while his great-sinner infamies are unloaded upon a past which he can not even renounce .
28 Willie gazed at the gentle way he fingered the udders and at the warm white liquid spurting down into a bucket underneath .
29 Mr Mellish disclosed that investigations after the incidents at Gateshead gas depot just before midnight on Tuesday and at a disused Esso oil terminal at North Shields late last night involved explosives .
30 Within it there is evidence of a N.W.-S.E. component in subsidiary basins , well seen at Larne and in the offshore North Channel Basin .
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