Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The public conflicts of recent years have involved confrontations between different political ideologies : the resistance from the Clay Cross Urban District to the Conservative Housing Finance Act ; the rejection by Merthyr County Borough of the Conservatives ' withdrawal of free milk for schoolchildren ; the resistance of a number of Conservative education authorities to the Labour commitment to the introduction of comprehensive secondary education ; the resistance of Labour local authorities to the Conservative government 's legislation on the sale of council houses ; and the forms of creative accounting developed in the mid-1980s by some local authorities to evade expenditure restraints .
2 At the international level by world revolution which , by breaking the isolation of the workers ' states , will provide an effective antidote to bureaucratization .
3 There are certainly general characteristics of the parties ' approach to social policies that may help people to decide between them ; and at particular elections ( such as , for example , the general election of 1945 ) one 's social policy commitments may be particularly clear .
4 " We can not close the report without mentioning the great satisfaction expressed by the Mayor and Corporation and Inhabitants of the Town of Stockport at the re-establishment of the School , and the high sense they entertained of the liberality and kindness of the Goldsmiths ' Company . "
5 But a great deal of the poems ' subject matter is justly described by Philip Larkin [ q.v. ] in a review of the Collected Poems : ‘ It was , variously , neurosis , insanity , disease , death , horror , terror . ’
6 The incest taboo lost its firm ground with the lifting of the parents ' repression and is now only half-heartedly observed .
7 By the end of the campaign , political interest , watching BBC-TV news , and a Labour identity made people somewhat more inclined to name defence as the Conservative Party 's main theme , however ; and those who had frequent discussions about politics developed a particularly clear perception of the Conservatives ' focus on defence issues ( Table 7.11 ) .
8 Rock Gospel vibrated through us all , the light from behind the altar silhouetting the blackness of the men 's skins .
9 The bulk of the chicks ' diet consists of leaf-eating caterpillars from oak trees , particularly those of the green oak tortrix , and these are at their best in the few weeks after the leaf buds come out .
10 If this is so , then the issue should be formulated as one of whether the existence of corporate power is sufficiently objectionable to defeat the prima facie justificatory force of a rights ' claim .
11 ( a ) Until three years after the coming into force of the Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 , no part of this rule shall apply :
12 By the creek , the main force of the islands ' fighters was gathered for the simultaneous assault on Belmont , which was shaking the ground even at this range , like the bass drum of a ceremonial band .
13 Service companies The attractiveness of service companies in the administration of a solicitors ' practice will by and large depend upon the perceived fiscal advantages at any particular time ( see Chapters 5 and 10 ) .
14 It is not the purpose of this or the following chapter to present a comprehensive guide to the administration of a solicitors ' practice or to advise as to the ways in which its profitability can be increased .
15 It would have included responsibility for the finance , organization and administration of the Magistrates ' courts , and for criminal legal aid .
16 If it chooses to get one from one of its employees , then it seems to me that the preparation of that report by one of its employees is as much a part of the administration of the societies ' business in the field of making advances as is consideration of the report by the assessor required by section 13(1) ( b ) .
17 The ( ahem ) mirror-smooth coffee-table sheen of the Mondays ' ‘ Yes Please ’ conjures up little but complacency and water-treading : Shaun and co were once kings of the dirty , demonic rhythmscape , now the New FADs have moved in on their old manor and staked whole new claims in the still fertile soil of rock-dance crossover .
18 The usually ultra-orthodox organ of the Free German Youth ( FDJ ) , which on Monday attacked ‘ pervasive bossiness ’ by the President of the Writers ' Union , Herrman Kant , quoted a sermon in the opposition centre , Leipzig 's church .
19 The president of the Assassins ' Guild spun his short blowgun dexterously and slotted it into its holster in one smooth movement .
20 Yet another Pakistani , the former world champion Jansher Khan , was rather prematurely in the news for being rebuked by Chris Dittmar , the president of the players ' association , for allegedly being too demanding of the tournament organisers .
21 Jansher has been rebuffed in the past by the president of the Players ' Association , Chris Dittmar , for demanding too much of tournament organisers .
22 Shanks was president of the Mechanics ' Institute of St Helens .
23 The president of the employers ' federation , the Union Patronale de Côte d'Ivoire ( UPACI ) , Joseph Aka Anghui , cited rampant fraud , inefficient bureaucracy , price controls and high taxes as key problems affecting industry ; he also complained of the failure of government bodies to meet their debts to the private sector .
24 Included in the new Cabinet was Albert Nhlanhla Shabangu , president of the teachers ' union and a former critic of the government .
25 Bill Jordan , president of the engineers ' union AEU , was hissed when he told delegates a Labour government should be ready to play a positive role in a Nato that was now ‘ reaping a spectacular harvest of peace ’ from years of multilateralism .
26 Scanlon 's successor as President of the Engineers ' Union , Terry Duffy , was , in fact , a strongly right-wing figure anxious to reach an accommodation with the government , but naturally it would take him time to build up his authority .
27 Herbert Smith , President of the Miners ' Federation of Great Britain , maintained that the 1925 coal dispute had been ‘ an affair of outposts .
28 ‘ Oh , Mrs Markham , ’ a Mrs Prothero and President of the Women 's Institute said one day , ‘ I happened to be passing and just wanted to extend a welcome on behalf of the whole village . ’
29 When civil war broke out in Ireland she became president of the Women 's Prisoners ' Defence League .
30 , George Robert ( 1847–1922 ) , writer , was born at 8 Newton Terrace , Kennington , London , 2 September 1847 , the eldest of the six children of George Sims , wine merchant , cabinet manufacturer , and plate-glass factor , and his wife Louisa Amelia Ann Stevenson , who became president of the Women 's Provident League .
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