Example sentences of "[noun] of whether a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And until there is evidence to prove any of these claims it is best to try to make your own judgement of whether a method works or does not work with your learners .
2 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
3 The test of whether a surface needs disinfection can be made by applying the definition to a working situation .
4 Exclusive possession as a concept for identifying tenancies does not drive a coach and horses through the Rent Acts but rather puts the cart before the horse : a phrase used to describe the collective rights of the tenant is inappropriate as a test of whether a tenancy has in fact been created .
5 the test of whether a plaintiff had acted reasonably in bringing a case late was an objective one not subjective .
6 The determination of whether a capital instrument represents a liability is based on whether it contains an obligation for the issuer to transfer economic benefits ( paragraph 21 ) .
7 The determination of whether a fabric is grain- or mud-supported otherwise takes considerable experience to determine from thin sections , which are essentially two-dimensional .
8 The issue of whether a church represents a significant body of opinion is a matter for the decision of the licensing board .
9 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
10 There is the issue of whether a household 's resources really are shared equally between husbands and wives .
11 None of those factors , er I hope we can agree , have any relevance at all do they to the issue of whether a site performs one of the five greenbelt functions ?
12 But it was confined to the specific issue of whether a duty of care existed — to establish liability , a plaintiff must also prove breach of duty , and loss caused by that breach .
13 But — quite apart from the issue of whether a woman like myself can in any meaningful way identify herself with women in the remote past — one must ask how could this be useful theologically ?
14 Given the presence of circulating antibodies in at least some of our patients ( for example anti-A and anti-B in blood group O patients ) this study raises the question of whether a change in cell surface antigens , presumably in the form of one or more carbohydrate epitopes affecting both colon and liver , plays a part in the pathogenesis of this condition .
15 The question of whether a decision was ‘ legal or not ’ is sometimes put in terms of whether it was made ‘ within or without jurisdiction ’ or whether it is ‘ intra vires or ultra vires ’ ( that is , literally , ‘ within or beyond power ’ ) .
16 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
17 In deciding the scope of a " fair comment " plea and the degree of interpretative sophistication to bring to bear on the question of whether a passage is " comment " or " fact " , the court should have regard to the constitutional importance of the " fair comment " defence as a protection for freedom of expression .
18 Paragraphs ( c ) , ( e ) and ( f ) deal with the question of whether a direction would be " equitable " .
19 In the end , the question of whether a function is a public one is a political question which may not always be answered in the same way .
20 Nonetheless , he had clearly purported to pose the question of whether a caution was required , but had not answered it .
21 Much more controversy has been generated by the question of whether a mistake also qualifies as a reason , and , more particularly , how serious the mistake has to be .
22 The mother and the guardian ad litem agreed that the conditions were met and accordingly there was no contest on the question of whether a care order should be made .
23 This has raised the question of whether a study such as Bourner and Hamed 's gives a favourable impression of non-standard entrants which would not be replicated in a similar study in the university sector .
24 The question of whether a plaintiff 's claim is time-barred by the Limitation Act does not fall to be considered until the point has been pleaded by the defendant , at which stage , if appropriate , the plaintiff may make an application for a direction under s33 ( Kennet v Brown [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 582 ) .
25 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
26 There are particular difficulties on the question of whether a covenant is purely personal or runs with the land where the obligation in question , whether on the part of the lessor , lessee , or third party guarantor , involves the payment of money other than rent .
27 The decision of Williams v Singer dealt with the question of whether a tax liability could arise upon trustees when they did not receive money even though they were entitled to receive the money and could have revoked their mandate .
28 The legislation contained a clause rendering the decision of the Board final and conclusive on the question of whether a business had been sold by one person to another .
29 ‘ The question of whether a pleasure flight … could , or should , be removed from the definition of ‘ public transport ’ is more complex to review than the medical situation of over age sixty pilots …
30 This raises the question of whether a partnership , such as a firm of accountants , or a corporation can act as arbitrators .
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