Example sentences of "[noun] be take on the " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps not surprising that when older pupils come to sit their leaving examinations , they generally view the prospect of the examinations without much apprehension ; this may be because most decisions about their future are taken on the recommendation of their teachers rather than directly on the basis of examination results .
2 The judge said Mr and Mrs Lauder conceded that from May 1972 effective steps were taken on the landowners ' behalf to assert a right to exclude the public .
3 They demanded that no action be taken on the SED-PDS proposal , involving creation of a new Office for the Protection of the Constitution , until after the general election .
4 Whatever action is taken on the final report of the Buea project ( and I have fears that the heavy reliance on expatriate experts in the project and in drawing up the report may not contribute to its being widely read and followed in Cameroon ) there can be no question that the project marks an important landmark in curriculum planning in Africa .
5 A suitable break-point was taken on the death of Magnentius in 353 , and of the reports examined from 334 buildings , no less than 199 offered no satisfactory evidence and it could be argued that the remaining 135 hardly offer a sufficient quantity for any serious statistical study .
6 Working at the top end of the market as he did , Roche was taking on the most difficult assignments , but they were also the most remunerative and had the greatest publicity value .
7 I suddenly realised the air was filled with soot from the chimneys above and the snow was taking on the appearance of cottage cheese sprinkled with black pepper .
8 So no action was taken on the ideas of the Layfield Committee .
9 Action was taken on the poll tax .
10 The methods used for controlling debate are the power to apply the closure by a simple majority , though normally the majority must consist of a hundred members ; the power to send bills upstairs for their committee stage to a standing committee and the power , when bills are taken on the floor of the House or in committee , to impose a guillotine .
11 I think it 's important these matters are taken on the floor of the house because they are very , very serious .
12 The essence of being a good child is taking on the perspective of those who are more powerful than you , and I was good in this way as my sister never was .
13 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
14 Few realise the toll erosion 's taken on the 200 year old structure .
15 That first presidential order to send American troops into possible combat was taken on the run , as Bush was preparing for his first superpower summit with Mikhail Gorbachev at Malta .
16 Jazz FM , Kiss FM and LBC are taking on the might of London station Capital Radio by selling their airtime in one package .
17 The readings were taken on the right arm of the seated subject after a minimum of 10 minutes ' rest .
18 Thus evidence was taken on the need for the bill and why it was proposed to deal with problems in a particular way .
19 Embedded in his initial instructions to Joshua concerning the actions the people are to take on the seventh day we find the clause , ‘ … when they make a long blast with the ram 's horn ’ .
20 An appeal can be marked without significant cost being incurred at that stage and frequently appeals are marked as a holding operation while advice is taken on the prospects of the appeal succeeding .
21 So now Ron 's taken on the role , with help … of sorts from grandaughter Yasmine .
22 It was from these regions that Catalan industry was to draw its cheap labour , while the wild valleys of the Pyrenees were an enclosed world with a tradition of brigandage and family feuds ; here Carlism was to take on the violence and cruelty of the local society .
23 The EEB declaration makes it clear that European environment groups ‘ believe that when decisions are taken on the respective competence of the Community , Member States and regional and local government in actions to protect the environment , the overriding objective must be to secure the highest quality of life for the Community 's citizens .
24 MAJOR-GENERAL Michael Skinner , who has died aged 60 , was Director General , Weapons , from 1986 to 1988 , when many important decisions were taken on the future equipment of the Army .
25 If it appears that the original decisions were taken on the basis of assumptions which have not stood the test of time it is as well to re-run the exercise .
26 The House will wish to satisfy itself that any decision to enact the Bill is taken on the basis of a full consideration of that assessment of the Bill 's environmental effects .
27 As a result , Frank Bates was taken on the strength .
28 In this sense , the modern humanities were taking on the mantle worn by classics in earlier centuries , as a central cultural frame of reference .
29 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
30 The above shot was taken on the 18th while the aircraft flew for Dutch TV .
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