Example sentences of "[noun] be [to-vb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The result is to go back to roots of pop music , mixing documentary , fly-on-the-wall conversations and live sets from an interesting assortment of guests , often tackling numbers you would n't normally see them perform on TV .
2 Erm , members who are also members of the Business Grants Panel will recall that at the December meeting we agreed to grant to a company so he may relocate into the area creating twenty seven jobs , and Friday we learnt that relocation 's to go ahead to Telford .
3 The aim of the research is to find out to what extent the cuts in the higher rates of income tax in the 1988 Finance Act may nave increased work effort , decreased avoidance and reduced emigration .
4 The aim of the study was to determine how to ‘ drill fast , improve bit life and eliminate the drillstring vibrations , ’ Fear says .
5 Under previous legislation , it was a defence for the publisher to show that his intention was to publish only to members of a private association or group of which the publisher or distributor was a member .
6 The intention was to hand over to a new social democratic party and a younger generation of leaders less tainted with the communist past .
7 In addition Hungary was to switch over to hard-currency trading with all East European partners by 1991 , and between 1992 and 1994 the forint was to be made partially convertible .
8 The only other alternative was to go back to the cottage , as well he 'd known .
9 At the same time , as de Lattre was to repeat constantly to mostly more important Americans , France was an ally and an ally , moreover , that was not far off the point of victory in Vietnam .
10 As for the rest of NATO , the cause of world peace , not to say sanity , would be served if these countries were to look back to the decision of 1979 and to admit , even to themselves , that they were wrong .
11 If the private sector is to contribute seriously to debt counselling then it is likely to want to know how many CAB clients adhere to their repayment schedules and how many emerge better able to cope and more confident after counselling .
12 The borough council is to visit up to 1,500 business premises in the town to check safety and health standards .
13 The philosophy in Spain is to stay close to the family .
14 Mountbatten was to go out to India , announce an early and definite date for British departure , hand over the administrative machine in working order to a unitary government , and secure an alliance with that government in the form of membership of the Commonwealth , preferably with a military treaty .
15 Councillor Community Environmental Services Committee are responsible for the large number of partnerships , social partnerships , with big business that the Labour Group are bringing to and the reason the Percent for Art was on that Committee was to link in to that er those those partnerships ' proposals .
16 As a youngster in the 1950s my greatest delight was to run on to the pitch at Murrayfield after the full-time whistle , pat my heroes on the back and not wash my hands for a week , much to the disgust of my mother .
17 The plan was to go down to the south coast and camp .
18 But he also includes strophic arias , sometimes with varied strophes ( e.g. ‘ Ard ’ il mio petto ’ ) , and canzonette a ballo in which the singer is to attend only to ‘ la vivezza del canto ’ .
19 Not surprisingly , her main aim is to move back to the area where her family live — preferably to buy a house there .
20 British Coal insists that is main aim is to hold on to the three-year contracts with the two electricity generators , which will be renegotiated in March next year .
21 Nevertheless , Brent CABx now have nine representatives of black groups and organisations on their management committee whose aim is to pass on to the bureaux their knowledge of the needs of the communities that they represent .
22 Although they make a go of the cinema for a while , by showing desert pictures and pushing up the heat so that they can sell cool refreshments , their only aim is to get back to middle-class life , but with enough money to avoid any more ‘ petty , stupid problems . ’
23 Curbishley said : ‘ My main aim is to get back to fitness and I did n't want to try too much too quickly .
24 Sahlins ' point is to show how to both sides differing types of sense were formed of what Cook 's arrival ‘ meant ’ .
25 His favourite relaxation was to toddle down to the quay and join the Royal Navy patrol boat for a day out .
26 But anyway , my job was to go out to Toledo .
27 The fastest way to talk to Grosvenor Square was to get back to the third floor .
28 Her first move was to go round to the various teachers who taught the senior class and borrow from them a number of text-books , books on algebra , geometry , French , English Literature and the like .
29 These changes were to lead eventually to competition and dissent between the two main providers , particularly in the Eastern District as it was a predominantly rural area .
30 Mr. Gow : While recognising the undoubted right of all members of the General Synod to deeply held views for or against the policies of the present Government , would it be helpful if my right Hon. Friend were to point out to the General Synod that its reputation would be enhanced if its members , when in Synod , devoted more time to matters spiritual than to matter political ?
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