Example sentences of "[noun] be [vb pp] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported last week that 15 of the country 's 27 states are affected so far .
2 Many recreation items such as caravans and boats that are on hire purchase are used so seldom they could be rented over the course of the hire purchase scheme and with enough cash left over to buy the item new if we still wanted one .
3 Certainly it is the only Egyptian village I know where the houses are placed so far apart .
4 Yet it remains that , for the first time in 15 years and since the controversy over abortion , opinions are divided so haphazardly that traditional political alliances have ceased to operate .
5 Many examples of animal behaviour can be seen as evidence supporting the assertion , ‘ Animals are designed so as best to fulfil the function for which they were intended ’ .
6 Experience at the Birmingham Money Advice Centre ( see Appendix III ) shows that — at least for the generally poor people who go to the Centre with money problems — mail order , check traders and other weekly callers such as tallymen are woven so closely into the fabric of daily ( or rather weekly ) life as to be more than just a possible buying choice .
7 Certain English words are shortened so severely ( usually to a single phoneme ) and so consistently that they are represented differently in informal writing , e.g. ‘ it is ’ — ‘ it 's ’ ; ‘ we have ’ — ‘ we 've ’ ; ‘ do not ’ — ‘ do n't ’ .
8 In order to explain why offences of violence are regarded so seriously , reference has been made to the value a of privacy and physical integrity .
9 Why these two methods of accounting are controlled so differently is a complex matter , but a factual difference is that in the context of companies depreciation is purely a matter of accounting , whereas for local authorities it is a matter of accounting and finance .
10 Not only that , but because the Davis Cup ties were scheduled so soon after the Australian Open , there was no time for Holland 's Richard Krajicek , or Germany 's Michael Stich to recover in time from injuries to take part .
11 He was trying to exorcise the wave of desire which had swept over him when McAllister 's blue-black eyes were fixed so earnestly on him .
12 A wound on that side can kill within minutes , because blood is lost so quickly and the body 's supply of oxygen suddenly falls .
13 What is interesting about this is that they clearly do not know the history of the form ; they are unaware that the rule was made so rigidly in the first place to suit the whims of anti-feminists .
14 That maintenance was continued so long is probably due to the fact that Gordon Thomas , its instigator , had by this time become General Manager of the Grand Junction Company , and it is understandable that he would have been reluctant to preside over the disintegration of the lift , his most original and spectacular achievement .
15 Her pleasure was written so plainly on her face that Dr Neil wondered again about the true nature of his new and strange housemaid .
16 Since the formal procedures of the law are used so rarely , the number of legal samples or prosecutions in which an officer may be involved are never taken as a sign of competence .
17 Blake and King begin to complain to each other that they are now wasting their time , since matters are settled so far as they are concerned .
18 Never before in financial history had so much wealth been acquired so quickly .
19 Finally , after a long time , the bar is pushed so far inland that the marsh is completely eroded and the remains of the bar with associated sand dunes appear on the original coastline ( Fig. 8.18E ) .
20 Typical is S. Botolph 's Church , Boston , in Lincolnshire , called colloquially the ‘ Boston Stump ’ because its top storey was added so much later than the rest of the church and for many years the tower had a decapitated appearance ( 476 ) .
21 A right-wing corner by the left-footed Preece was met so powerfully by James that the young full-back could be proud of the header which brought him his first goal of the season …
22 This suggests that the feeling of difficulty may be strongest with people whose incomes are stretched so tightly that they have to use credit for some needed purchases which they could not afford otherwise .
23 Places on the workshops are limited so please apply Now by sending your cheque/postal order and the booking form opposite indicating which of the workshops you would like to attend .
24 Potato farmers everywhere arec having trouble with reports of only thirty per cent of the crop being gathered so far .
25 In August , near Worth , he sent his mother " a memoir of the horribly devastated battlefield , scattered all over with countless mournful remains and reeking with dead bodies " and in December he wrote to a friend : " if one is to avoid losing all courage , one must not think of these frightful things any more " It is apparent how far removed this mood was from any chauvinistic or militaristic fervour — nor would we particularly expect any such fervour ( despite long established misconceptions about Nietzsche 's attitudes ) from one whose ideas of German nationhood were moulded so largely by the cultural preoccupations of a Hölderlin or a Schopenhauer .
26 The team was chosen so far ahead that the monumental Rangers defender George Young was omitted because of an injury that cleared up weeks before the team left Scotland .
27 Piers turned around to face her , and for a split second his glance swept over her with appreciation , but the moment was gone so quickly that she thought she must have imagined it .
28 Thanks to the site 's owners , the Guiting Manor Amenity Trust , excavation continues to search for signs of those whose victim has lain undisturbed for so long and for a reason why the site was built so carefully in a line with the mid-summer sun .
29 Roman was hurt so badly when Gabriella died .
30 On the contrary , ‘ few things are regarded so cheaply as an animal 's life …
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