Example sentences of "[noun] [adj -er] than a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This tiny car — it 's a foot shorter than a Mini — might be the breath of fresh air Europe 's choked and choking cities have been looking for .
2 There were no houses , no people , no hills , and not a rock bigger than a cricket ball .
3 This dual emphasis on the reader and on analysis of texts in units larger than a sentence seems to offer the beginnings at least of a new approach to text research , one which moves beyond a correlational approach to readability and starts instead to identify causal relationships between aspects of texts and difficulties in comprehension .
4 More than 200 pages later Genet writes ‘ out of the crowd a glance swifter than a wink reveals two fedayeen as two lovers …
5 Jay gags , this is where love has brought me , rooting through the bins like a vagrant , looking for a sheet of high-gloss photographic paper and a bad profile shot of Lucy smaller than a postage stamp .
6 For this reason , and because of the limited use for such general data-types , the only data-types smaller than a word which are at all commonly provided for in the instruction set are half-words , characters , and decimal digits .
7 A fate worse than a cookbook
8 In a show of unity rarer than a dodo sighting , the US Big Six have issued a joint statement of position in an attempt to focus attention on the ‘ epidemic of litigation ’ that is beginning to threaten the very existence of many American firms .
9 It is blueish in colour , six times larger than a chicken 's egg , and about to make ornithological history .
10 Eight times larger than a lion , the griffin has an acute sense of hearing , and its talons are highly prized for their ability to change colour when they come into contact with poison .
11 The price of all meats fell more in real terms than all foods — rising in price 15% less than inflation over the past 10 years — and are now 13% cheaper than a decade ago .
12 unc Volumes greater than a litre are usually left in tens , hundreds or thousands of litres so only this table is needed for most practical purposes .
13 Is a computer better than a doctor ?
14 Wrists thinner than a child 's .
15 Their layered structure and microscopic size 100 times smaller than a skin cell — enable the liposome to penetrate into the epidermis easily and integrate with the intercellular tissue .
16 The Northern Echo prompted a public outcry last year when it revealed how a night in the cells at Bishop Auckland police station cost £200 dearer than a room at the Savoy Hotel in London .
17 Because its period is not much more than a month shorter than a year , there are times when maxima occur with Mira too close to the Sun to be seen .
18 At first they moved cautiously , but before long they grew confident at finding no trace of any creature larger than a mouse .
19 Police Constable Harry Evans is driving along a country road when he sees strange lights in the sky and an object larger than a bus hovering in the road ahead of him .
20 Last year in the USA , AIDS cases in women were nearly 10pc higher than a year ago , and AIDS was now the leading cause of death in nine leading US cities for women of childbearing age .
21 It is not clear at what ( spreading ) radius greater than a bolide 's initial radius the collective bow-shock approximation breaks down .
22 ‘ Over the years I 've learned that you have this endearing ability to spot a chance to make a profit further than a leopard can spot a limp .
23 Not like a village it 's a parish it 's a lot bigger than a village
24 The incredible ruined cities , many more of which still remain to be discovered in the jungle areas , are one fascination , if only to speculate as to how they were built in a civilisation which had no beast of burden bigger than a llama , no wheels , and no cutting edge except stone .
25 Dangling from the hook came a length of rope and a piece of leather larger than a dog collar , large enough , indeed , to have fitted a goat .
26 ‘ I think it 's a lot better than a lump of metal , ’ Matilda said .
27 Production of luxury cars at Jaguar rose by 56% in the first four months of the year , largely due to increased demand in its biggest market , America , where sales in the first four months were 27% higher than a year ago .
28 ‘ That 's a lot higher than a lot of our competitors are achieving . ’
29 But is still some £20m lower than a year ago , and interest earnings fell 27 p.c. to £6½m .
30 Capable of an impressive 110 mph the little car — it 's 10 inches SHORTER than a Mini — is now quite rare as the company which made the kits shut down after only 15 were sold .
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