Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] had been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They both had that deathly pallor that showed on every soldier who had been wounded .
2 The blood was oozing out from the tip of his boot and his face had turned the usual grey colour of the soldier who had been wounded .
3 If it were n't for his days at the mucky end of the trade , he would never have earned enough to buy a house and he would n't have met Raksha who had been doing a bit of topless work to supplement her salary as a nurse .
4 We had a horse who had been broken with the wrong sized bit when his teeth needed attention and under a saddle with a broken tree which rubbed his back .
5 This was not , however , immediately apparent to those photographers , instrument makers and lanternists who had been fired up to experiment with moving pictures after hearing reports of Edison 's Kinetoscope , the original what-the-butler-saw machine , or witnessing the first projection of films made by the Lumière Brothers in 1896 .
6 Lawrence said the team had to deliver for fans who had been let down in recent years .
7 His life was not like hers and she was simply an outsider who had been forced to come here .
8 Bosch , who had moderated his left-wing image to present himself as the defender of the small and medium businessman in the face of state bureaucracy and corruption , still retained the appeal of the reformer who had been ousted from office by the military in 1963 and by the invasion of US troops in 1965 .
9 I once was engaged to conduct a concert in Mannheim and the pianist who had been engaged was Frederic Lamond .
10 He was not restricted to making an order of damages , but could actually order a defendant who had been condemned to perform what he had failed to do .
11 Later that month , Dr. Harvey Goldsmith who had been appointed medical officer to the Poor Law Institution in 1900 , resigned .
12 Mr Goddard , a former mayor of Phoenix who had been expected to win the November race easily , first lowered the tone by comparing Mr Symington to Charles Keating , the financier at the heart of the Lincoln Savings and Loan disaster .
13 A few years later , however , the distant future showed every indication of having already arrived when these nagging anxieties grabbed the headlines around the large numbers of recruits who had been found unfit for service in the Boer War , and in spite of the half-hearted reassurances of the Physical Deterioration Committee of 1904 fears of racial deterioration were rampant .
14 On Oct. 26 , 1989 , the House of Representatives fulfilled a commitment made in 1988 [ see p. 37081 ] when they voted that $20,000 should be paid to each of 62,000 Japanese-Americans who had been interned during the Second World War .
15 It may well be that he took the place of Thomas Hitchcock who had been apprenticed to the same master nine years previously .
16 The meeting , originally scheduled for Feb. 11-13 [ see p. 37945 ] , was jointly announced by Bush and Gorbachev on July 17 when they met in London during a brief visit by Gorbachev who had been invited to meet assembled heads of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) countries [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
17 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
18 For Mordecai it was a symbolic birthplace , for he was a direct descendant from one of the millions of Jews who had been evacuated from the Middle East in 1990 .
19 Even Jews who had been released from concentration camps on strict condition that they left the Fatherland immediately were obliged to pay for the round trip .
20 Thirteen middle-ranking securities firms followed the example of the four largest houses by making available the lists of those clients who had been compensated and , like them , were subsequently fined by the Japan Securities Dealers Association .
21 The journalists who had been hired by him were based in Manchester .
22 When John Howard died , ‘ Texas ’ was known only to a small number of Mexicans , American Indians and the occasional settler who had been thrown out of , or wandered away from , the established ‘ colonies ’ to the north and east .
23 Frank Reed , the US director of the Lebanese International College who had been kidnapped in Beirut in September 1986 [ see p. 35023 ] , was released into Syrian custody in West Beirut on April 30 .
24 The two guards who had been holding him released him and stood back .
25 In a significant break with his predecessor , Mr Major offered junior and middle-ranking ministerial posts to several senior backbenchers who had been overlooked by Mrs Thatcher or had been kept out of her government .
26 With the fathers of the lads who had been raiding him , he swore solemnly before the earl and the other Lords of Council to abstain from mutual injuries and molestation , under a penalty of £500 .
27 Was he the enemy who had been following us since the very beginning in London ?
28 Henri Nallet , then French Agriculture Minister , apologized to his UK counterpart , John Gummer , at a meeting in Brussels on Sept. 24 and assured him that lorry drivers who had been attacked in France would be compensated .
29 The secretary-general of the Council of Guardians , Ayatollah Rezvani , told Iranian television on May 7 that of candidates who had been disqualified in the pre-election screening , some 80 per cent had been rejected by the executive committees and some 20 per cent by the Council of Guardians itself .
30 With two daughters of her own , Greta expanded her family by taking in the son of a German socialist who had been sent to a concentration camp , and a Viennese boy who adopted her name by deed poll .
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