Example sentences of "[noun] [ex0] have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a result there have been real achievements : hundreds of thousands of workers have been trained to work in rural areas and attack fatal conditions like dehydration from diarrhoea ( still the main killer of young children worldwide ) with the simplest and cheapest remedies .
2 Over the past few months there have been detailed discussions ( which are continuing ) in Brussels over the technical context and allocation of funding for the new workplan .
3 This section is mainly concerned with the initial stages of rising capital for Eurotunnel but in recent months there have been growing doubts about the financial viability of the project .
4 In Scotland there have been fatal aircraft accidents to private aircraft where the occupants were killed in their leisure time rather than while working in their normal occupation , and the procurator fiscal has decided not to take the matter on to the formal fatal accidents inquiry because he has satisfied himself that it was a matter of accidental death in an aircraft accident without suspicious circumstances .
5 In recent decades there have been substantial changes in the family and household experiences of people in Britain , especially in the 1980s .
6 The report points out that over the past two years there have been international hotel mergers and acquisitions worth $8.8b ( £5.5b ) .
7 Over the years there have been innumerable accidents and incidents caused by the airbrakes opening in flight .
8 One further point : the actuarial profession is firmly egalitarian and for many years there have been equal opportunities for women .
9 Over the past 15 years there have been great advances towards an ordinary life in the community for people with learning difficulties : the growth of ordinary housing ; the development of employment and education opportunities ; steps towards integration in the community and more flexible support services ; and the mushrooming of self-advocacy .
10 Over the last ten years there have been major changes in the employment structure of British society .
11 For the past number of years there have been severe cutbacks in the housing budget .
12 MI6 remains to this day a secret organisation that does not officially exist despite the fact that in recent years there have been numerous books written about its activities .
13 although in recent years there have been significant improvements in the provision of research and library facilities for M.P.s these still lag fir behind those available to their counterparts abroad .
14 In recent years there have been significant statutory interventions protecting the consumer .
15 Yet research into contemporary demography and statistics soon demonstrates that in recent years there have been dramatic changes in trends and patterns of marriage , divorce and cohabitation .
16 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
17 Although in the case of the UK there have been substantial additions to the official reserves in recent years ( a consequence of foreign exchange market intervention , even though the UK has , technically , a floating or market-determined exchange rate ) this growth in the reserves has not matched the increase in capital flows .
18 In the last decade there have been dramatic developments in the treatment of infertility and artificial reproductive techniques .
19 In addition there have been significant decreases in fertility over the same period .
20 All through the 1960s to the present there have been numerous minor changes of staff but the net result has been a gradual increase in numbers of the field staff to meet the ever growing commitments .
21 In more recent times there have been numerous entries from Eastern Europe , including a pair of Russian runners in 1961 — Reljef and Grifel .
22 Local people there have been worried for some time about safety factors which affect the tunnel .
23 However , despite early adoption there have been considerable doubts as to the effectiveness of such rational approaches .
24 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
25 In the US there have been extensive experiments with new forms of reporting and in Europe , Germany stands out as the leader in environmental reporting .
26 In the November review of both 1987 and 1988 , the Government announced the freezing of child benefit payments since the 1988 statement there have been numerous ominous statements , all stressing that the future of the benefit is ‘ under review ’ .
27 Throughout the period of their being in care there have been regular appeals to the sheriff court .
28 Throughout history there have been different theories about how the death of Jesus reconciles people to God .
29 At least once a fortnight there have been confusing signals coming from rugby in South Africa , in contrast to the clear-cut campaign that South African cricket conducted on their way to entry in the World Cup in New Zealand and Australia in this southern summer .
30 But in our century there have been British coalition governments in 1915 , 1922 and 1940–1945 , and governments that existed by tacit agreement between parties in 1910–1915 and 1977–1979 .
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