Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Police have praised the bravery of a teenage soldier who dragged himself from the wreckage of his car after being speared with a wooden stake .
2 This bond held despite the massive immigration into America after the 1840s of peoples who had nothing in common with England , let alone with the Puritan and Protestant traditions .
3 The metal was originally exploited by the Indians of Colombia and Ecuador who recovered it in the form of grains and occasional nuggets from gold-bearing alluvial deposits of rivers draining into the Pacific .
4 As she did one of the English players danced across the screen and up the sideline , outwitting several of the Moroccan side who tackled him from all directions .
5 Lee 's intervention is expected to be warmly welcomed by City fans who idolised him during his playing days .
6 And for those insular fans who shunned them in their thousands at Old Trafford and Elland Road , a sense of guilt would not be inappropriate .
7 BIG Dave Beasant hit back at the Chelsea fans who booed him off the pitch and blasted : ‘ You 're out of order . ’
8 The Iranians might welcome a secession in Iraq 's south , especially if the Shias who detached themselves from Baghdad chose later to attach themselves to their co-religionists in Tehran .
9 These early payments are used to clear up the cost of setting it up — and in particular the commission of the agent who sold it to you .
10 All the time we were assailed by the noise of a hundred bells and the screams of hawkers and traders who sold everything from a piece of iron to hot chestnuts .
11 Here the boy met the first Anglican priest who interested him in religion .
12 A few lay on the ground in exhausted or inebriated sleep , oblivious to children and dogs who clambered over them , or to the kicks from porters who found them in the way .
13 On 29 September 1955 , with just a few days of filming to go , Dean turned up at a gay party at Malibu which culminated in a bitchy foray between Dean and a former male lover who accused him of dating women purely for publicity .
14 British Airways staff are fantastic , whatever class you travel , and plied Kenneth with enough booze to soften the effect of two Sun journalists who approached us for a story and picture after we 'd been airborne for about eight hours .
15 Arlen Specter ( Pennsylvania ) accused her without substantiating evidence of " flat-out perjury " , and introduced without prior notice an affidavit from an acquaintance of Hill who accused her of being a sexual fantasist .
16 John 's strict paternalism fascinated the New York newsmen who described it as ‘ Tiller 's puritanical blue laws ’ .
17 Honest enquirers , like the lawyer who asked him about the greatest commandment , were impressed and attracted by his Bible-based teaching ( though , as with the rich young ruler , they did not all respond to it positively ) .
18 This The Waste Land did , but when Eliot writes elsewhere that any modern poet who applied himself to the drama would be an extremely conscious poet , using the historical imagination , it is clear that around the time of The Waste Land he was also considering writing plays .
19 Thank goodness we had tutors who helped us to some extent and who seemed quite accustomed to listening to tales of woe .
20 The party has now discarded the leaders with overly Nazi political pasts who controlled it in the 1970s .
21 On their return to the hotel , the three were caught climbing a security fence by armed guards who mistook them for Scotland fans .
22 SIR — Stephen Fry gives too much credit to P. G. Wodehouse , for it was W. S. Gilbert who , in 1881 , created the Duke of Dunstable — a gallant officer of the 35th Dragoon Guards who sacrificed himself in marriage to the Lady Jane to compensate for her misfortune in being distinctly plain .
23 The doomed one was fragile and childlike between the tall stoic guards who led her to her fate .
24 It was Dr Jaffery who told me about two contemporary travel books which rescued the Mughals from being suffocated beneath landslides of silk , diamonds and lapis lazuli — Bernier 's Travels in the Mogul Empire and Manucci 's Mogul India .
25 This weirdo is perceived as poking around dusty old bookshops instead of the gleaming God-have-you-any- conception -what-this-refit-has-just-cost-us sort of outlet and , worse , buys secondhand books , books that have already been sold and therefore attract no income or royalties whatever ; and who might even be willing to pay up to 10 times the original cover price if the damn thing is a first edition , whereas everyone knows that first editions are merely what are given away free , for heaven 's sake , to hacks who seldom review them and — even more galling — to the bloody authors who wrote them in the first place .
26 ‘ I know lads who got theirs at eighteen in Cyprus . ’
27 He duly appeared before three or four venerable gentlemen who lectured him on how to behave in the Far East .
28 In fact the victims were mainly the families of senior military officers and the Ba'ath party officials , and the walkie-talkies were being used by the drivers who took them to the shelter .
29 I met this Frenchman at Masstricht who kissed me on both cheeks .
30 And he smiles as he talks of the best friend and rival who accompanied him on those weekend trips .
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