Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere he refers to a treaty imposed by the king on the peoples who lived on the river Wahal , that is the Franks .
2 Native peoples who depend on the forests for their livelihoods , and animal species like the Siberian tiger , have suffered .
3 However , U2 will have sorely disappointed fans who rely on the music press as their solo source of information .
4 Enclosure as a subject for poetry is usually associated with Oliver Goldsmith who touched on the question in ‘ The Traveller ’ ( 1764 ) , before producing ‘ The Deserted Village ’ ( 1770 ) .
5 and husbands who relied on the state to take over
6 One journalist who persisted on the point was referred to playfully as ‘ a Chartist or a Luddite ’ by one press officer , who added that there was also the argument that 600 Group should worry about staying in business and not about unemployment .
7 Other winners of the award , sponsored by Reckitt and Colman , included Cherrill Hicks , a freelance journalist who works on The Independent 's health page , for her book Who Cares ; Looking After People at Home .
8 When you start in public relations , you need to meet journalists who work on the newspapers : press receptions , product launches , pubs around Fleet Street , the Press Club — there are many ways to do this .
9 That no similar slogan has come from the car workers is important , and is tied up with the fact that ‘ the car plants for the car workers ’ makes no sense to the lads who work on the line .
10 " The gentlemen who sat on the bench were more or less connected with the shipping trade , and the law had been somewhat strained to obtain the conviction " .
11 A SACKED chef who went on the rampage in his kitchen was landed with a £700 bill yesterday .
12 The gathering was small but that did not diminish the effect of the occasion as two of only 12 remaining Scottish survivors — out of 500 Scots who fought on the republican side in the Spanish Civil War — gathered with district council representatives to pay their respects at a simple ceremony .
13 ( c ) Starling-like oxpeckers who live on the backs of large animals such as elephant , rhinoceros and cattle , in equatorial Africa .
14 There is an old Middle Eastern story about a frog ( in some versions it is a fish ) and a scorpion who meet on the bank of a river that both need to cross .
15 But woe betide the culprit who trespasses on the wrong side of 50 .
16 The Carlton Girls , one of the many Tiller troupes who worked on the exhausting cine-variety circuits
17 It was also reported that the Governor of Cauca read out the faxes/cables received from Amnesty International to the several thousand Indians who marched on the city of Popayan .
18 In view of these deficiencies , it was hardly surprising that the reformers who centred on the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich addressed themselves to transforming the courts very soon after Alexander II ascended the throne .
19 It equally informs us that as one of the results of his ‘ innovative ’ study ‘ Gale also shows us a Darwin who relied on the help of other scholars for much of his work on species .
20 ‘ British troops slain on the Somme , ’ shouted out the boy who stood on the corner of Covent Garden waving a paper high above his head .
21 No lights were on in any of the houses and the only living thing in sight was a brindled cat who froze on the pavement , surveyed the bleak October night , and padded arrogantly across the road .
22 To George 's annoyance , everyone seems to be conspiring against his grandiose plans — especially the old lady who arrives on the same day as Tony Madoc .
23 I did have a chin tuck , and the lady who worked on the book with me said , ‘ Now , Elizabeth , you know we 're going to be together for months and we have to be absolutely honest with each other .
24 Even the lady who stood on the corner handing out white feathers gave him an approving nod .
25 Wycliffe was startled by the question , which did not come from Sarah but from an old lady who sat on the far side of the fire .
26 Even though the merger of these sections of capital has brought industry and finance closer together , especially through directors who sit on the boards of both industrial firms and financial institutions , the affect seems to have often been stultifying for the manufacturer .
27 There were only half a dozen sergeants in the mess , but the numbers were made up by the civilian engineers who worked on the project .
28 Design faults at the Susquehanna nuclear power station in Pennsylvania would make it impossible for operators to control a nuclear accident , according to engineers who worked on the plant 's construction .
29 The photograph was n't very much like the girl who sat on the other side of the desk , but passport photographs seldom are much like their originals .
30 He removed his arm from her shoulders and leaned back against the wall , his gaze still on the fair-haired young girl who sat on the bicycle , ready to move off , the wind blowing her skirt and hair .
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