Example sentences of "[noun] [is] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All of them had safely negotiated Becher 's for the second time .
2 The practice is for the second copy of the Request to be retained in the files of the Central Authority as a record of its action in the matter , and for the second copy of the document itself to be returned with the completed Certificate of service so as to eliminate any doubt as to which document is covered by the Certificate .
3 But the intention is for the 49 per cent Dutch government shareholding to be reduced later this year through an issue in Amsterdam , London , Frankfurt , Paris and New York .
4 It is true that most foreign investment is for the domestic markets of host countries , and that the ‘ export processing ’ industries that are at the centre of the NIDL thesis account for only a small part of TNC foreign investment in the Third World but , as I have argued for the cases of Mexico and China ( Sklair , 1989 , forthcoming ) , the symbolic significance of export oriented development strategies is extremely important in the contemporary global system .
5 An alternative is for the distributing company to form a Newco within its group and capitalise it sufficiently to reflect the value of the Target business .
6 Another alternative is for the smaller firm to tap into the growth of the older population — those over 55 — arising from early retirement and redundancy policies of large firms in recent years and other factors .
7 The alternative is for the wealthy individual to give up residence in Ireland and move his investments out of the country .
8 ‘ The saucepan 's for the peeled spuds , ’ he said .
9 The most satisfactory fit to the data is for the hybrid model with CDM and three neutrino species , two massless and one massive ( HDM ) .
10 Could you comment briefly on Addison Wesley and the pattern of the , the major programmes in that business and er , what the outlook is for the current year .
11 A widely shared dream is for the Communist party to split , leaving its old-guard ( the Communists of Russia , Soyuz and the Marxists ) to form a socialist party and the reformers ( the Entrepreneurial Communists and Communists for Democracy ) a social-democratic one .
12 ‘ My dream is for the joint venture to become one of the major players in Europe , ’ he said .
13 The arrow icon is for the select tool for choosing the objects you want to work on and the other seven tools in this top group are drawing tools for adding text , polygons , rectangles , lines , ellipses and freehand drawings to a slide .
14 Truth is not a defence , unless the defendant can convince a jury that publication is for the public benefit .
15 Another plan is for the new partners to be admitted merely on undertaking to contribute their share of the partnership capital , and this may either be raised by borrowing from a bank or insurance company ( with periodic repayments ) or be left to be paid over a period of years by deduction from their share of the profits .
16 Figure 1 b is for the interesting regime 2 b 1.8 , and shows the typical patterns of dynamic chaos found for almost all starting conditions in this regime .
17 My preference when fish are feeding hard on the bottom is for the fixed paternoster which , due to the lead being at the extreme end of the line , casts further and more accurately than any other set-up .
18 Silliness is for the beautiful , intelligence for the homely .
19 My job is for the spiritual welfare of the people in my charge .
20 His gift of salvation is for the whole world , it 's available , God willeth not the death of the sinner , but that all should come to repent .
21 Now I would imagine that the aim is for the English retrainer of the French teacher of English , say to be fully bilingual ( however defined ) and qualified to do the job , though my guess is that this will not in fact always be possible .
22 It is well known that any such sheet of water will attract birds , and these reservoirs ' main importance is for the wintering wildfowl Table VI ( p. 33 ) gives an indication of the ornithological importance of the four major reservoirs which attract about 30 per cent .
23 ‘ A survey has shown that the move is for the better , rather than the worse . ’
24 Quite why food and diet have become of such interest in recent years is for the social historian to discuss , but there is no doubt about the present popularity of culinary herbs .
25 We are spurred on by advertising images that fun is for the young and fit .
26 Where an institution as a whole is for the non-sick but with some sick beds , the premises will not be transferred to the Minister .
27 The most common error from the top of the backswing is for the right arm and shoulder to push forward , for the right side to unwind prematurely , and for the cut across , out-to-in action to be set .
28 One obvious development is for the empirical studies to incorporate behavioural relationships .
29 At each anniversary National Savings will write and say what the guaranteed rate is for the next 12 months .
30 A common inner-city pattern is for the fronting rule to be superseded by a lowering rule ( before voiceless stops and in polysyllables ) , or a backing rule ( in other environments ) in the speech of younger speakers .
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