Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Northern Arts is giving the money on top of annual grants from a special Drama Production Fund , money ‘ unclaimed ’ by Newcastle-based Northern Stage after it ceased production while looking for a new artistic director .
2 LENTON and Wortley Hall Association is following the lead of Convocation and asking the Hall 's alumni from these years to make a special effort to attend the 1992 reunion which is to be held in the Hall from 2nd-4th October .
3 THE Co-Ownership Housing Association is celebrating the success of its Brand New Start Scheme launched in April this year .
4 THE NEWLY formed North Liverpool Business Association is turning the tide against cowboy tippers who by night increase the environmental blight of the north city docklands area .
5 Pamela Stephenson is upsetting the apple cart with her war against harmful pesticides in our food .
6 LASMO is sponsoring the team by paying part of the cost of court fees , referees [ for league matches ] and kit .
7 Meanwhile , the president is filling the time with less provocative suggestions .
8 Recently , two of Mr Gorbachev 's advisers , Vadim Bakatin , a member of the new National Security Council , and Georgy Shakhnazarov , the president 's personal political adviser , have said the president is reconsidering the idea of a coalition .
9 In the meantime , Jean is keeping the blanket cupboard well stocked for the winter .
10 Consider the simple sentence in commonsense language , ‘ Look out , the wind is blowing the baby 's pram over the cliff edge ! ’
11 A plague of uniformity is sweeping the world , numbing the taste buds and reducing the gene pool .
12 The new flood of refugees consequent upon the Russian withdrawal from Afghanistan is straining the relief services .
13 Such is the demand that the club is taking the road up to Southport for regular Monday night sessions at the Palm Court .
14 Naturally , the loss of this sort of money is a blow to us , but every club is feeling the pinch .
15 Liverpool Motor Club is running the Brenig service area near Denbigh on the Lombard RAC Rally in the afternoon of Monday November 23 .
16 However , if an agent is enjoying the wine with a Bryan Adams , he or she may be drinking the vinegar with a manager 's smaller act who makes much more work than the bigger act , with absolutely no income .
17 Robert this , this presumably implies that the agent is suing the name
18 erm well it does n't necessary apply that the agent is suing the name , the question is whether , what any right the agent has got , er the fact of the matter is as I understand it and tell me if I 'm wrong , that your client has erm received a demand under clause nine er , er which he has failed to comply , I think that must follow because er if he had complied with it , then that would never of got as far as the central fund
19 Card fraud is costing the industry £165 million a year and now the battle against it is taking a hi tec turn .
20 Despite the unremitting hostility of the Opposition Front-Bench team , I am glad to say that the majority group on the present Liverpool city council , in contrast to its predecessor , is showing interest in a housing action trust and my Department is discussing the matter with it .
21 Wyre Borough Council 's community services department is running the competition .
22 When the main army is far ahead , and the rearguard is entering the pass of Roncesvalles , it is suddenly attacked by an immensely superior force of Saracens .
23 The conclusion is irresistible that Mr Mandela is exploiting the government 's growing dependence on him to extend his influence to the many black organisations whose adoptive leader he is .
24 Next locomotive to be outshopped from Bridgnorth works is likely to be GWR 2-6-0 No. 9303. this former Barry inmate is nearing the end of its restoration and is expected to move again under its own steam this summer .
25 The cost of Christmas cards , free parcels and telegrams is costing the taxpayer millions of pounds , it was claimed yesterday .
26 Trainer James Fanshawe is considering the Christmas Hurdle at Kempton on December 27 or the Bookmakers ' Hurdle at Leopardstown two days later .
27 There must be many who are touched to the heart by that phrase ‘ earthly father ’ and yet who do n't believe a word of the novel 's religion ; just as , and more obviously , Raskolnikov 's kissing the dirt in the middle of the Haymarket does n't stand or fall by Dostoevsky 's Soil Philosophy .
28 A fast food restaurant chain in the United States is pioneering the use of pagers for its waiters .
29 Yer archetypal mad-dictator is threatening the world , so our rock-'ard , square-jawed hero is dropped into the danger zone by chopper ( he fell on his head , so he should be okay ) .
30 It is difficult knowing how far to credit such stories in twelfth-century sources , although given that the Ramsey chronicle is recording the history of its own house , and that the Peterborough source refers to trouble there at the same time , it is reasonable to believe that trouble of some sort there was .
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