Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [adv] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 British Rail released details of the damage to Saturday 's 8.49pm Southport to Hunt 's Cross train only last night .
2 As we show on page 21 , Labour is now second to the Tories in 186 seats ( compared to 145 for the Liberal Democrats ) .
3 The compiler is reportedly 10% to 20% faster than the top-ranked GNU C Compiler .
4 This success is unquestionably thanks to the goodwill and support of voluntary donors , to whom we are all very grateful .
5 If your direction of approach is over 60° to the outbound track turn the longer way round , with adjustment for wind .
6 But the best communication is always person to person .
7 The minister in charge of the Overseas Development Administration , Mr Chris Patten , is a keen green , and helped to write Mrs Thatcher 's how-green-I-am speech to last year 's Tory party conference .
8 Hit for Six is full of statistical detail , but the number is still second to the moment and a fascination with the really big hit , the occasions when , as Mike Gatting told him : ‘ Something happens magically and the ball goes for miles , and you have no idea why or how . ’
9 As links the streets functioned in two directions : they provided rapid access from the railway stations at the city 's then periphery to the key points at the center ( government buildings , central markets , hospitals , business and entertainment districts ) , and in turn linked the central organs of administration and business ( fire department , riot police , ambulance services , department store deliveries ) with the focal points of the city 's various quarters .
10 Do you realize that according to some strange Scottish law about dynasties , Cora-Beth is now heir to the title and the Kinmuire estate ?
11 The Manager using the system is constantly face to face with data and this increases his knowledge of the company and its personnel .
12 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
13 And this restriction is ultimately anathema to an institution of higher education , which must be founded on a continuing conversation about its ends and its values , and their fulfilment through its internal human transactions .
14 But the wheels of bureaucracy take time to run , and British winter weather is rarely kind to fliers , while seaplanes have the additional disadvantage of needing several ground-crew and suitable tides as well as suffering all the constraints of more conventional land aircraft .
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