Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Housing association is time to rent arrears .
2 The Tempa Rossa field lies across both the Laurenzana and Torrente Sauro permits — LASMO is operator of Torrente Sauro and has a 20 per cent interest in Laurenzana .
3 The red army marches on its stomach , although the dream of Wembley and premier league football is food for thought .
4 So if you think of it , let's just take , take these , these in turn the president is commander in chief , what does that mean ?
5 Where there exists such a reluctance to carry out the correct diagnostic procedures or , as is often the case , there is simply a dearth of properly trained specialists , the natural result is treatment without diagnosis , the haphazard use of antibiotics ( such as penicillin for all urethral discharges ) , and an increase in antibiotic resistance of the gonococci coupled with an infuriating denial of the problem , ‘ Just look at our figures .
6 Where Yavan is more precisely defined , as in the genealogy of Noah , Yavan is father of Elisah , Tarsis , Kittim and Dodanim ; that is , probably , of Alashiya and Kition in Cyprus , of Rhodes and of Tarsus — rather than Tartessus .
7 Experience shows that the problem of the mind can not be solved by attacking the citadel itself … the mind is function of body … we must bring some stable foundation to argue from … ’ ( in Barrett , 1980 ) .
8 ‘ Hostility to tyrants is obedience to God . ’
9 But then future is hatred of men , she 's likely to go out and kill every other
10 The second instrument is control of publishing and broadcasting equipment .
11 With a career in speech therapy behind her , Liz decided to go on to study for a post-graduate degree in Marine Archaeology at St Andrews University , where her husband David is Professor of Chemistry .
12 ‘ I tell the kids the Lord Mayor is part of Liverpool .
13 The president of the United States is commander in chief of the armed forces .
14 The constitution tells us that the president of the United States is commander in chief of American armed forces and as commander in chief he can despatch American armed forces to any part of the world he chooses to .
15 ‘ This car is sex on wheels , ’ she purrs in heavily accented English .
16 A payment made in respect of a claim arising under this Section where the only damage sustained by such motor car is breakage of glass in the windscreen or the windows ( or any scratching of bodywork resulting solely and directly from such breakage ) shall be deemed not to be a claim under the Policy for the purpose of the No Claim Bonus Section .
17 Crime is part of society .
18 The severest market penalty for under-performance is loss of office following corporate collapse , or , more probably , a change in control .
19 The brightest of these variables is Betelgeux in Orion , which can become almost equal to Rigel , though normally it remains between magnitude 0.4 and 0.7 .
20 Kuwait is part of Iraq .
21 Adultery in effect is evidence of breakdown because it represents conduct , on the plane of sexual behaviour , which is outrageous and offensive to the other partner .
22 Beckett is part of Smith double act LABOUR DEPUTY LEADERSHIP : George Jones profiles the three new contestants
23 Innocence is goodness in faith .
24 Cannock is north of Birmingham .
25 Their only guiding light is ambition for office , and they refuse to tell the people of Scotland what their policy is .
26 I do not know whether my hon. Friend read Gavyn Davies 's recent article , which showed that what most greatly influences investment is availability of markets and demand , and that running costs come very much second to those factors .
27 More closely linked to GIS is work by McMaster and Johnson ( 1986 ) who perform a very detailed inventory of hazardous materials ( both stored and transported ) in Santa Monica , California .
28 According to Rimington the key is prevention by education rather than punishment after the event .
29 ( Where er is the exchange rate , X is expenditure on exports and M is expenditure on imports . )
30 Should you find that your roof is home to bats or other species , protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 , you must consult the Nature Conservancy Council for advice on the best way to deal with them , for the minimum disruption to both the animals and the household .
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