Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
2 How many uplifts should I use , and do I need special adaptors to connect them to the filter ?
3 a Services Division to support them for a transitional period
4 She said she did not want any birthday presents unless they could be enjoyed by everyone , so her friends spent £500 on young trees and got permission to plant them around the town .
5 He quotes the view of Aristo , who produces two arguments : first , that by analogy with relegatio dotis and the stipulatio emptae hereditatis the word ‘ sums ’ should be held to include objects as well as money ; second , that intention is particularly important in trusts , and it appears to be the testator 's intention in first speaking generally of ‘ sums ’ and then mentioning certain objects to include them in the expression too .
6 These jobs are usually seen as benefits , certainly by the workers who flock to take them up , and by the governments that have established incentive programmes to attract them in the first place .
7 It is understood therefore , that , as part of the pupil 's exploration of aspects of religion and morality , he/she will have access to these five main elements of the Mysteries of the Faith , and the opportunity to relate them to the particular issue/topic being explored .
8 In traditional manner Rolle treats the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed as Wisdom , Understanding , Counsel , Might , Knowledge Piety and Fear of the Lord in Isaiah 11 in the inverted hierarchical order Counsel , Understanding , Wisdom to relate them to the process of withdrawal from the world and achievement of that inner discretion which is the ground of contemplation ; he then deals with strength , piety , knowledge and the fear of the Lord itemised as forces which stimulate man to self-knowledge and help the soul to endure against sin , all aspects of a more active spirituality .
9 There was always a scramble to obtain them after the meeting .
10 They hired dragomans to escort them round the tombs and temples in the shade of parasols .
11 Barclays Bank is one of the cheapest widely-available sources of travellers ' cheques , charging 1 p.c. to issue them with a minimum fee of £2 .
12 Opening the conference Havel stressed that " in the extremely sensitive and risky stage of economic transformation of the post-communist countries , any attempt to treat them as a more or less institutionalized zone of semi-developed countries surrounding the prosperous countries of the European Communities [ EC ] and the European Free Trade Association [ EFTA ] would be an extremely dangerous step for all concerned " .
13 Medau teachers invited Patricia McCall to instruct them in the principles of Laban Movement at their September Training Day ; in St Andrews , Rosalind Garton follows her evening Medau class immediately with a Yoga session , and is delighted by the enthusiasm shown for the idea .
14 But when they reached the dock and were waiting for the boat to carry them to the camp , Seth snatched the van 's keys , nearly breaking two of Suzy 's fingers in the struggle .
15 No doubt a finder of perishable commodities would be justified in taking any reasonable steps to preserve them pending the ascertainment of their owner ; e.g .
16 I was still more surprised when some of their parents arrived in motor cars to see them at the weekend
17 There were traps to catch them along the way .
18 She turned away , shutting her eyes to adjust them to the darkness , and then with no further hesitation she was going down the rope hand over hand , her feet and knees checking at each knot .
19 I 've sent Tuathal with a hundred horse to catch them in the ravine at Glen Farg . ’
20 This situation , in which other countries were relying on the United States to provide them with the dollars needed to boost their reserves , seemed to leave the USA in a highly privileged position , for the only way that other countries could accumulate reserves was if the USA provided them , by spending abroad more than it received .
21 The police were called to resolve the dispute , and although Mr Levy did not make a formal complaint he contacted Arsenal Football Club to inform them of the incident .
22 Most parents of children at poorer schools already know about those schools , though they do not have the information to confront the governors , teachers and heads to urge them of the need to improve the school .
23 Other waste products , such as faeces and urine also break down into ammonia and these levels will build up to where they are harmful to the fish , unless you take steps to lower them via a biological filter .
24 In plating , components are dropped into various solutions to coat them with a metal such as zinc or aluminium .
25 Although there is much in these three books to put them in the category of Ruritanian adventure , Scott may be a stronger influence .
26 They return in delight but with sadness too , for even the memory fades because there is nothing in the rational mind with which the ideas may be linked and there are no images to fix them in the memory .
27 As we shall see in Chapter 8 , the only way to make thermosetting plastics reasonably tough is to incorporate fibres of one kind or another , in other words to use them in a composite material .
28 Fairness to his creditors demands that he should not be able to deplete his assets in this way in a deliberate attempt to put them beyond the reach of his creditors .
29 But , while these points may be reasonable , and some of them may be true , this attempt to embed them in a general theory or schema seems unhelpful .
30 In Stafford , soldiers were forbidden from bring their families into the town unless they had enough funds to keep them for a quarter of a year , due to the large number of camp followers registering for charity .
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