Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] in the way " in BNC.

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1 But this is not a time for personal pride and stubborn resistance to stand in the way of the cold , hard facts of life .
2 We like roller-skating and this is nice and flat with not too many cars to get in the way .
3 If ( say ) the mother is inconsistent , she is , in a sense , only half trying to get her child to behave in the way she desires .
4 This and other studies revealed that shifts of posture , head movements and changing facial expression all have a part to play in the way a conversation moves from one person to another in a group .
5 He listened silently , simply nodding when she had finished He could never marry her and he had no right to stand in the way of any happiness she could find .
6 Sincerely though I respect the wish of hon. Members on both sides of the House to ensure that their constituents can benefit from access to the channel tunnel — I have no desire to stand in the way of their efforts to make that wish come true — I urge that the interests of my constituents , who will have to put up with untold misery for an extended eight-year period , should be given closer consideration than BR has given them hitherto .
7 Chola too complained that there were now two dogs to get in the way and whinge for food .
8 In practice , however , such is the scope for self-interest to stand in the way of the smooth running of the firm that the right of any one partner to veto some proper alteration should be excluded .
9 ‘ But neither of us allows our feelings for the other to get in the way of all the things we have to do .
10 The advantage of that would be that if the private sector does have things to offer in the way of better labour practices , better marketing ideas , then these will be copied by the B R system and in Sweden it 's quite evident that although very few franchises have gone to the private sector , it has had a quite drastic effect on the way in which the state railway goes about its business .
11 I recognise the force of feeling that prompted the hon. Gentleman to speak in the way that he did on behalf of his constituents .
12 Naturally , she 'd heard of this legendary Tech-Green , and was disappointed someone of such intelligence and vision had allowed maudlin dross to get in the way of his career .
13 This is one of the few occasions in the House when I can say that many hon. Members on both sides of the House told the Government that that would happen if the Government allowed the policy to develop in the way it has .
14 It is a marriage of convenience between workers in many fields — archaeologists , geographers , geologists , botanists and zoologists — who do not want the barriers of 19th century subject divisions to stand in the way of understanding the way in which the human environment has evolved , the human role in shaping that environment and the ways in which humans gained a living from it .
15 The witness judged part of the secret to lie in the way he seemed to think out what he wanted to say as he went along and made the audience share his struggle after truth .
16 For Flavio , the visit was a chance to explain how he 's refused to allow blindness to get in the way of sculpting and to give the students a helping hand .
17 No administrator possesses the material , time or vision to operate in the way postulated by Simon .
18 In our view it is manifestly not right that councillors should allow their personal opinions on a political or industrial matter to stand in the way of the right of access of the public to all publications which can reasonably be provided .
19 ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it .
20 However , we remind ourselves of the principles outlined earlier in this judgment and the observation of Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest in Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 , 1304 , that ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it . ’
21 And there is no gratuitous information to get in the way .
22 I do this , and reel my other rod in so that if the carp does give one another chance there will be no other line to get in the way of my landing it .
23 She had allowed her personality to get in the way .
24 The black director Spike Lee has made a similar mistake in Malcolm X , not so much in characterisation but in allowing awe of the man who challenged white authority in America to come in the way of good film-making .
25 However , they all sit together in the same circular chamber which has various doors marked ‘ Clergy Ayes ’ or ‘ Laity Noes ’ through which the members of the Synod troop to vote in the way MPs trudge through their voting lobbies .
26 There were n't any incidents to get in the way .
27 And — not having a big ego to get in the way — viewing the world and its inhabitants with a penetrating intelligence .
28 A great deal of pressure is then put on the social worker to act in the way the majority want , and not spend time listening to what the client wants .
29 It will be sufficient if the level of agreement in conviction is high enough at any given time to allow debate over fundamental practices like legislation and precedent to proceed in the way I described in Chapter 2 , contesting discrete paradigms one by one , like the reconstruction of Neurath 's boat one plank at a time at sea .
30 The patient 's clothing should also be checked , so that there is no loose flapping material to get in the way .
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