Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] in the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Nocturnal birds , such as owls which depend upon their hyper-sensitive eyes to fly in the dimmest of lights , might manage to fly in parts of the cave near the entrance , but some species of swiftlet nest in chambers so deep no light whatever reaches them .
2 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
3 In effect the duty is merely an amalgam of fiduciary duties at common law requiring an agent to act in the best interests of his principal .
4 They would also risk breach of their fiduciary duties to act in the best interests of the company rather than in their own .
5 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
6 At the more concrete level of legal rules , we find that many of the difficulties which the law has faced in defining the duties of directors to act in the best interests of the company stem from a conflict between the traditional contractual model of the company and the corporatist countervision .
7 Management accountable to owners can not be expected to enter into meaningful agreements , planning or otherwise , which limit their freedom under the law to act in the best interest of the owners .
8 They are just suggestions for day and half-day excursions to take in the best of the scenery , rather than the villages the tours pass through .
9 Quiet and modest in manner , speaking with an occasional stutter , his initiative , absolute reliability and willingness to help in the humblest duties endeared him to his many friends , not only in the literary world .
10 Major hotels and restaurants are making the most of new ideas like these and , realising the need to invest in the best modern equipment available , they are increasingly relying on equipment manufacturers to fit out their kitchens with these innovations .
11 As you are building a new pond , you have the opportunity to put in the best filtration system , without paying a fortune .
12 It is difficult to believe that a religion so strongly anti-idolatory would allow such an image to exist in the holiest of shrines .
13 This means that directors are under a duty to act in the best interests of the shareholders .
14 Thus the law insists that a director who wishes to enter into a transaction where there is any possibility of a conflict between his own interest and his duty to act in the best interests of the company must disclose the transaction to the shareholders in general meeting and obtain their consent to it .
15 The doctor has a professional duty to act in the best interests of his patient and to advise accordingly .
16 The policy of the solicitors ' governing body is encapsulated in Rule 1 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 ( and of earlier editions ) : A solicitor shall not directly or indirectly obtain or attempt to obtain instructions for professional work or permit another person to do so on his behalf , or do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor , in any manner which compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair any of the following : ( a ) the solicitor 's independence or integrity ; ( b ) a person 's freedom to instruct a solicitor of his choice ; ( c ) the solicitor 's duty to act in the best interests of the client ; ( d ) the good repute of the solicitor or of the solicitor 's profession ; ( e ) the solicitor 's proper standard of work ; ( f ) the solicitor 's duty to the Court .
17 Such a contract usually emphasises the director 's duty to act in the best interests of the company .
18 Accordingly , the board of the vendor company has a duty to act in the best interests of the company , its shareholders and its employees , and can not therefore reject a management buy-out without due consideration .
19 A suggested clause to be included in either the Articles or the subscription and shareholders ' agreement is : A director of the company who has been appointed to the board by a member or class of members pursuant to the Articles of Association to represent the interests of that member or class of members shall , notwithstanding any rule of law or equity to the contrary , not be considered in breach of his fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the company by reason only that in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his powers , he has regard to the interests and acts upon the wishes of that member or class of members when no honest and reasonable director could have formed the view that in so doing , the director was also promoting the interests of the company as a whole .
20 There may be occasions , however , when in order to act in the best interests of the Company , the Directors will need the flexibility to finance business opportunities as they arise by the issue of ordinary shares without a pre-VXKVK offer to existing shareholders .
21 A family with many sons could farm its land successfully without the burden of paying farm workers and could if necessary send a son to work in the nearest town or city to earn money to pay back debts or to buy more land .
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