Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If a shipowner exercised due diligence to see that the vessel had been made seaworthy in all respects , the Harter Act exempted the shipowner from the consequences of errors in navigation and management .
2 LIFESPAN ABLE will ask the user to confirm that the facility is to be terminated and , if confirmed , will terminate with an appropriate message .
3 I should like to take this opportunity to emphasise that the work on the Iraqi material is being done for the United Nations and the IAEA .
4 Except for cases of incurably ill pets , where owner and vet agree that euthanasia is best , the reasons given are as follows , in order of frequency : a ) The client wants the vet to agree that the animal is terminally ill/suffering/too old to treat .
5 Under s. 1(4) , the duty is to take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case to see that the non-visitor does not suffer injury on the premises by reason of the danger concerned .
6 For the Bristol graduate Convocation represents an opportunity to see that the University has its graduates ' advice on how to preserve what is good while changing to meet the needs of the future .
7 Where a teacher feels this is likely to happen it becomes her responsibility to see that the danger is avoided .
8 Sometimes the volume quoted by the manufacturer is wrong by as much as 25 per cent , so press the salesman to confirm that the volume is at least 200 litres .
9 In Belgrade ( the Serbian as well as the federal capital ) tens of thousands of Serbs and Montenegrins held a vigil on Jan. 30-31 outside the Federal Assembly building to demand that the Army be sent into Kosovo and to protest against the stance of the Slovene and Croatian leaderships .
10 It is common for the articles of association of a company that is a management buy-out vehicle , a joint venture company , or which is owned by multiple shareholders to provide that the sale of the assets and undertaking of the company requires the consent of specified individuals .
11 If there are reasons to indicate that the child has visual defects , more detailed and sophisticated tests will be undertaken by an ophthalmologist to whom the child will be referred .
12 Mr. Page began proceedings in the Queen 's Bench Division to establish that the university was not entitled to dismiss him .
13 It was because of this that it became so important for a buyer to establish that the seller 's representation amounted to a contractual term so that full damages would then be available .
14 Article 3 of the Directive does not prevent the employee refusing to transfer , but the Court is equally clear that ‘ the Directive does not oblige Member States to provide that the contract or the employment relationship is continued by the transferor ’ ( point 35 ) .
15 A ‘ second look ’ capability to confirm that the arrhythmia is still present during device charging avoids unnecessary shocks for self-terminating arrhythmias .
16 However , it is important before examining any of the sectors to emphasise that the framework suggested contains some important overlaps .
17 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
18 It is important for the parties to realize that the conciliation officer will tell the other side what each has said about the claim .
19 Muriel really ca n't abide the sound of pop music , and she has managed to get the club to agree that the music must finish at 10 p.m .
20 Initially , then , on being approached to promote an order , it is the task of the agent to confirm that the order is in fact viable , that is to say , that the objects of the order can not be achieved without an order confirmed by parliament — that it can not be done by other means .
21 Chief Executive George Mathewson is delighted with the 8 to 1 seal of approval , ‘ It has been a terrific boost to know that the number of customers impressed with our service far outweighs those who have a complaint , ’ he said .
22 The hearing officer held that it was for the employee to establish that the employer 's possession of patent protection was an influential factor in persuading the customer to order wholly non-patented items while awaiting the redesign of the patented invention .
23 Liverpool showed enough in Moscow before losing their heads to indicate that the task is not beyond them .
24 He had only to recall the inevitability of their first coming together , her passionate , uncomplicated , animal gusto in their lovemaking to know that the thought was paranoid .
25 We all arrived on Tuesday to find that the offices were completely unfurnished , without lighting , without telephone and without any equipment of any sort .
26 Some were later exploited by Copernicus in his attempt to establish that the earth both turns on its axis and revolves around the sun .
27 A company which has a subsidiary undertaking to which these requirements do not apply must take all reasonable steps to secure that the subsidiary keeps such records as will enable the directors of the parent company to ensure that any balance sheet and profit and loss account prepared under Part VII complies with the Act 's requirements .
28 Where the purchaser has commissioned an accountants ' report , it is normal practice to request that the vendor warrants the accuracy of the report .
29 The first occasion was in October 1991 , when I descended the station steps to find that the ELR 's intentional BR(LMR) 1950s image of maroon and straw everywhere , supplemented by ‘ double sausage ’ signs , had been suppressed .
30 He allows his readers to infer that the position he attributes to Eadwine was little changed before the battle of Nechtanesmere ; Oswald ruled the same territory as Eadwine and Oswiu ‘ almost ’ the same ( HE 11 , 5 ) .
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