Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] with [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I was wondering , can I get some money to go out with Kate and Alison this weekend ?
2 This would account for Rufus 's readiness to fall in with Anselm 's demand that Matilda should be forced to return to her cloister , which ( as we have seen ) rather surprised Anselm .
3 Sun Microsystems Inc 's Sunconnect division is to roll-out the latest version of SunNet Manager , its network manager software , in an attempt to catch up with Hewlett-Packard Co which has just released OpenView 3.0 .
4 The bigger man lengthened his stride to keep up with Richard 's dynamic pace down the red-carpeted palace corridor .
5 It was another sunny morning and I took the opportunity to set off with Singi , our assistant sirdar , for a shapely rock peak rising above the campsite and offering the prospect of an interesting climb and a good viewpoint .
6 Extending a lot further south to connect up with Leicester and the border areas there .
7 A £50,000 ‘ windfall ’ from Northern Arts is helping Cleveland Theatre Company carry out an ambitious plan to link up with Billingham 's Forum Theatre .
8 A day to go out with Karl , sweep over the mountains in his fantastic car , the top down and the sun shining on them .
9 Leaving Googol to safeguard their equipment , he had hurried with Grimm to the station to meet up with Meh'Lindi .
10 A farming community , existing as a hamlet in ancient times , it probably developed its agricultural resources to fit in with Kilham , which was at one time the chief market town in this part of the East Riding .
11 The initial £77 million budget was split between the LDDC and London Regional Transport , and it involved the building of a railway from Tower Hill in the west through the Isle of Dogs to link up with Stratford in the north .
12 More striking still was the failure of the Green movement to link up with Kursk or any other neighbouring area .
13 Anne felt that she would be willing to abandon the good times to settle down with John , although pride prevented her from admitting it .
14 The Sybase Storage Manager , which uses a C++ application programming interface , enables Ontos DB users to hook up with Sybase as a back-end database server .
15 The Sybase Storage Manager , which uses a C++ API , enables Ontos DB users to hook up with Sybase as a back-end database server ( UX No 405 ) .
16 The friend said : ‘ The ideal solution would have been for Camilla to break off with Andrew , but it never happened .
17 THE French government has launched a programme to set up a nationwide telecommunications research network , in an effort to catch up with Britain 's JANET system and Germany 's DFN .
18 I wanted to go with her but she said she had a lot to sort out with Fernando and would rather be on her own . ’
19 A little understanding of her plight — allied to some gentle but firm pressure — could almost certainly have persuaded Fergie to make a much greater effort to get back with Andrew .
20 ‘ But my parents are very upset that , regardless of the fact that my marriage ended up being so awful , I 'm not making any effort to get back with Derek . ’
21 In addition to the other help the Saudis were providing to Iraq in different forms , including loans of oil , they allowed Iraq to construct a 500,000 b/d spur line to link up with Petroline and thence the Red Sea .
22 There were no operational plans to join up with US and UK forces on the ground in Saudi Arabia , nor for any joint chain of command in the event of hostilities .
23 Having had the good fortune to fall in with Gabriel outside Cat 's Coffee Shop as she was on her way home , he had seized his chance and asked her for an early supper .
24 On a recent visit to New Zealand , my wife and I had the good fortune to meet up with Alf and Muriel Newton .
25 They watched enthralled and motionless as a window-catch in the shape of a hook jiggled in the wind , and then flew open , letting in Hook the abductor to make off with Peter Pan 's two children .
26 For once , you do n't want Eliza to settle down with Higgins — she has achieved an emotional maturity he will never be able to match .
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