Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 A decision to go ahead with this approach to the formation of a company file was taken in January this year and the initial test files became available during April .
2 at our next meeting is there anyone else you need to consult before making the decision to proceed now at this point , it 's coming to the end of the first appointment , you 're pretty sure you 're on your way so the pressure is off , he 's feeling fairly relaxed and hopefully he 's enjoyed the whole sale process with you , so what should his re his response be ?
3 As we start afresh to build a new church , we have a heaven sent opportunity to try again for this possibility of godly unity which , if we let it , will be so powerful in persuading the world of the divinity of Jesus .
4 Here the founder of what was , for many years , Britain 's only robot firm tells how the UK missed not one but three golden opportunities to leap forward in this technology
5 The sixth book forced Boy to think again about this problem of not knowing who in a story to be .
6 The UN decade has encouraged engineers to think seriously about this age-old system .
7 Mr Bush accepted the Pentagon proposal even though he told the United Nations that he believed ‘ we can achieve the level of verification that gives us confidence to go forward with this ban ’ .
8 I understand that these applications have only just been submitted to Midlothian District Council as the local planning authority and I have to advise you that it would not be appropriate for Regional Council officials to comment publicly at this stage .
9 I do not like the graphic novel , and for a new work from a successful author to come only in this form seems to me a shame .
10 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
11 That leaves the weapons connection , but it is inappropriate for the Sizewell inquiry to delve deeply into this issue .
12 Chin set in a parody of male stubbornness , Bill was attempting to convey to his wife his urgent need to get away from this madness aid return to the house where they were staying .
13 Abruptly she turned away from him and walked into the apartment 's lounge , not consciously knowing why she did so , but driven by a need to get away from this man and the harshness of his condemnation , which should n't matter to her , because he did n't matter , but which nevertheless called up a churning confusion of resentment and frustration , as well as a new , unnerving hurt .
14 If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong and yet I have never understood the presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially upon this judgment and feeling and I aver that to this day I have done no official act in mere deference to my abstract judgment and feeling on slavery .
15 Unfortunately it is all too easy for firms which are not authorised and do not understand what constitutes investment business to dabble unwittingly in this activity .
16 Particularly as we , we 've had a major issue in our budget proposals to do specifically on this , this , but I think if we have good practice in Shropshire , we should be sort of er , shouting it from the rooftops really , as this is very good practice .
17 The London County Council , for long a stronghold of the Labour party , was one of the relatively few authorities to press firmly in this direction in the immediate post-war years .
18 I have written about them to show that spiritual journeys and beliefs are legitimate , fruitful ways of exploring the world and to encourage writers to go ahead with this kind of exploration if they so wish .
19 But the Board now asks the general assembly to look again at this part of our remit and to form a judgment about where this work should be most effectively done in future .
20 In section 4.5 I shall use some of the findings of the doorstep survey and the outer-city community studies to inquire further into this .
21 In families where they are able to identify good characteristics at the beginning of treatment the parents and child may have a sufficiently positive relationship to move directly into this phase .
22 It is the Group 's policy to support modestly in this way charitable organisations with which employees or close relatives of employees are directly involved .
23 The relief that chamomilla can bring to the parents , to say nothing of the baby , after a succession of sleepless nights and frantic days has encouraged a number of medical practitioners to look further into this system of therapeutics .
24 I beg the Foreign Secretary to look again at this issue with the utmost scepticism .
25 In these difficult times it makes sense to look again at this post .
26 But there is no obligation to keep rigidly to this rule ; nor is it necessary to take examinations at all the grades .
27 The department 's manager for remote sensing will try to persuade different parts of the government to spend more in this area .
28 There have been few serious attempts to break away from this restrictive framework ; it is the absence of the application of any theoretical framework that has made such work so sterile , and it is doubtful whether evidence will be found for the social and economic developments during the period by studying art-styles , date and distribution alone , unless specific questions are formulated first .
29 WITH the World Cup still fresh in the minds of a wider public and an exciting summer to look forward to this is an ideal time to market the longer game in a positive , attractive light .
30 I have in the past been accustomed to addressing under-servants by their Christian names and saw no reason to do otherwise in this house . ’
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