Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [prep] her [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She took the opportunity to retire before her normal retirement date but I am too much of a gentleman to divulge her age .
2 BURGLARS stole a pensioner 's savings while she was at her sister 's funeral , using a key to sneak into her empty home .
3 But Britain still has a huge gap to close on her major competitors .
4 So preoccupied was she thinking about the unseemly position of her raised buttocks , that she did n't see the whip rise to crack across her beleathered fundament .
5 Bursting from the stalls , The Fernhill Flyer was soon clear , and should provide another excuse to celebrate for her first-time owners , a syndicate of drinking companions from the Fernhill public house at Preesall , near Blackpool .
6 She entered the warmth of the hospice as Lady Percy was leaving the hall to go to her own apartment , attended by a single demure damosel .
7 It states : ’ as to the future , we have to secure for Scotland a much more direct and convenient method of bringing her influence to bear upon her own purely domestic affairs .
8 Bernard is fond of punning as well , but whereas Julia uses her verbal skill to compensate for her discursive incompetence in philology , Bernard uses his in order to evade emotional seriousness .
9 American industrialists , critical of the performance of the occupation , had urged a reversal of policy so as to increase Japan 's capacity to stand on her own feet and not to receive excessive subsidies from the United States .
10 The classic working-class ‘ mum ’ , living at home to look after her numerous children with the man as the bread-winner , while a folk myth sustained by the Inland Revenue and the population census amongst others in the 1970s , conformed less and less to the reality .
11 In 1989 , when Miss T. was 17 or 18 , she moved from her mother 's home to live with her paternal grandmother .
12 She was also a delight to behold with her golden curls , and the two formed a real picture out there in the garden .
13 Rachaela was shepherded into the room to sit with her pale , saved child .
14 It therefore seemed logical to press a little of every suitable plant in her garden and later to create a design from it that would remind her for many years to come of her treasured garden .
15 She is out for the evening to celebrate at her favourite local restaurant .
16 Fortunately , perfecting her roll was the breakthrough that gave Lesley the confidence to fight for her own to go on the top of the waves and start experimenting with hotdogging tricks .
17 ‘ I 'm sure it must have been quite dreadful for you , my dear , ’ said Frau Zimmerman , apparently taking the fräulein 's last remark to refer to her recent ordeal in the Bauernmarkt .
18 They sat down at a low table in the corner , under a poster for the Campus Crèche and facing posters for the Pregnancy Advisory Service — ‘ A woman has a right to decide about her own body .
19 Our hilltop villa proved a great vantage point for the spectacular storms that , after a few days , cleared the air and allowed Provence to shine in her brilliant colours , as if a gauze veil had been lifted .
20 These days , if Kylie does get a minute to spare in her demanding schedule , she goes shopping .
21 Twice-widowed Rodi , 52 , still gets up at 7.30am every day to drive to her full-time job in a laboratory .
22 While Nana denied that there were such things as duppies and forbade Martha to look under her old iron cot for them before she went to bed , Mada Joyce was expert on ghouls , ghosts , spirits and apparitions of all kinds , and had known a woman in another village who had actually seen the skinless old hag who sucked babies ' blood reach into the cradle of her new-born child and disappear with a shriek when she touched the Bible on the infant 's pillow .
23 It had occurred to her that by devoting her life to her work she would never have the chance to look after her own babies , and her thoughts turned once more to the young man with the dark wavy hair and the expressive blue eyes .
24 ‘ Irridek , ’ he breathed , lifting his head to stare into her stunned face with blackly dilated eyes .
25 She got up at night to look at her asleep , to see that she lacked nothing .
26 Just time for a quick honeymoon followed by a few fond farewells , and the intrepid sailor was off again on board his old ship on 17 February , leaving his second wife to look after her newly-acquired stepchildren , Elizabeth Eliza and Robert Edward , in his absence .
27 ‘ A chance for the clergy wife to share in her own right . ’
28 In a similar kind of way , one Essex farm labourer 's daughter was called back from service to live with her ageing parents again , the household supported partly from the wages of younger brothers , and partly from pigs and hens which the old couple kept themselves .
29 She took to spending more time at Bush House , playing for very little except the chance to gossip in her native language .
30 Weight training strengthens the muscles , and stronger muscles can enable the pregnant woman to cope with her increased body weight and altered centre of gravity more easily .
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