Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Continued to support elderly owner occupiers to remain in their own homes .
2 At the same time they try to make sure that no other males get the opportunity to mate with their own female .
3 She took the opportunity to retire before her normal retirement date but I am too much of a gentleman to divulge her age .
4 MAFF is to allow scientists proposed by consumer groups to sit on its Advisory Committee on Pesticides .
5 The problem remains of how to get the existing parliament to connive at its own demise .
6 SENIOR Tories in Cheltenham were trying yesterday to persuade Mr John Taylor to remain as their prospective parliamentary candidate after his failure to become the first black Tory MP .
7 ‘ I went with a friend to see the headmaster and ask his permission to go to our local church and say a prayer for our dead King , ’ he says .
8 THE Courtaulds Coatings site at Felling , UK , now has a Heartbeat healthy eating award to go with its sparkling new restaurant .
9 It expected that Scott would produce a building to vie with his great designs abroad and concluded with the hope that ‘ the recent discussions in which so much misapprehension has been exhibited will not shake your determination to carry out the selected design ’ .
10 Then without disclosing how — if he had the money to proceed on his own , he would not now be displaying that same information on Esther 's desk — he pressed her for a response .
11 Further to my letter of 3 September 1992 , I am most grateful to you for your permission to borrow for our forthcoming exhibition on John Slezer the Slezer drawings of Edinburgh held by Edinburgh City Libraries , and shall be in touch with Miss McDougall about practical arrangements in due course .
12 The fly is large , and took eight minutes to erect on my own but just five minutes with a friend .
13 On the other hand he would have a much enlarged Aquitaine , to be held in sovereignty , the ‘ perpetual liberty ’ which he had instructed the Black Prince to demand of his royal prisoner in 1357 , and which would remove at a stroke the threat of confiscation .
14 The challenge of AIDS involves more than individual sexual behaviour : it represents an opportunity to work through our commonest societal fears–and taboos , to reach new understanding and evolve compassionate action .
15 The Cambridge board clearly perceived the Circular ; s exhortation as an opportunity to provide through its Rural Areas committee ( RAC ) both the forum and the mechanism called for and thus to develop its own role and expand its activities within a triumvirate of providers .
16 The Masai were elusive , even when constantly told they had nothing to fear , and consequently the British administration found itself engaged for fifty years in a ceaseless struggle to impose on them some measure of control .
17 Each author has been allowed the freedom to write in his own style and provides a large set of references promoting further study .
18 The first female is then shot a second time , and as the confused baby attempts to suckle from its dying mother , it too is despatched with a single bullet . ’
19 Crime — Computer misuse — Unauthorised access — Person using one computer to obtain from it unauthorised benefit — Whether unauthorised use of single computer within statute — ‘ Access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — Computer Misuse Act 1990 ( c. 18 ) , ss. 1(1) , 2(1)
20 Giving it would deprive the delivery driver of the opportunity to discover for himself some of the delightful scenery on his patch .
21 They requested permission to work on their own in a small area immediately outside the classroom , collected paper and felts , decided between them how to take turns to scribe .
22 Anglo-Welsh is attempting to deprive you of the opportunity to benefit from our excellent prospects .
23 I give space for others , and allow others ' plans to come before my own .
24 Meanwhile Argentina , Chile , Colombia , Ecuador , Hong Kong , Indonesia , Panama , Peru , Philippines , Singapore and South Africa said that they would refuse permission for the Akatsuki Maru to pass through their territorial waters .
25 The most popular work was that which allowed students freedom to work on their own — projects , for example .
26 As far as the actual average salary is concerned if you look at page nineteen paragraph K a white page on your report , page nineteen , paragraph K and there you will see that you 're promised an audit report on the position relating to teachers ' salaries , I can confirm that the position is consistent with the remarks that , that were made earlier on , cos you have within the budget here sufficient money to provide for our current estimate of next year 's actual earning salary in these schools .
27 Two are about to leave Oxford University to work with their former professor — Tony Cheetham — and five other students who have already settled in California .
28 Batty a 2.75M signing , has also flourished since his move , showing a skilful side to go with his tigerish tackling .
29 The desserts can be consumed with an utterly clear conscience when you have calories to spare in your daily allowance .
30 The government of President Luis Alberto Lacalle claimed a clear mandate to proceed with its controversial programme to sell off state assets [ see pp. 38286 ; 38528 ] , when a special poll on July 5 failed to raise sufficient public support for a referendum .
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