Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [pron] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Daleks ’ , however , took the show up into the rarified heights of peak viewing , prompting programme schedulers to see it as a very useful keystone in grabbing audiences for the whole of Saturday evening — which had been Donald Baverstock 's prime intention all along .
2 This rational presentation often follows a period of ingratiation through which the subordinate aims to get superiors to like him as a charming but intelligent expert .
3 Filaret owed his eminence less to his holy office than to his son 's willingness to treat him as a co-ruler .
4 Something tells me he wo n't pass up this opportunity to establish himself as an international .
5 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
6 Opening the conference Havel stressed that " in the extremely sensitive and risky stage of economic transformation of the post-communist countries , any attempt to treat them as a more or less institutionalized zone of semi-developed countries surrounding the prosperous countries of the European Communities [ EC ] and the European Free Trade Association [ EFTA ] would be an extremely dangerous step for all concerned " .
7 De Gaulle 's known views — fashioned by his interpretation of the collapse of France in 1940 and his resentment over the refusal of Britain and the United States to treat him as an equal in prosecuting the war effort , on the failings of the Fourth Republic , on reforming NATO , on the need for France to acquire greater international prestige , along with his ambition to affect a lasting reconciliation between France and West Germany ( ideally on French terms ) — all influenced his decision to terminate the Maudling Committee negotiations , and all were still influential in his rejection a few years later of the British application to enter the EEC .
8 The ancient Forest system was in fact cumbrous and inefficient : the attempt to revive it as an instrument of Crown policy was doomed to failure .
9 He Anglicized his name and a few years later he was being described as an accountant or merchant 's clerk ; a subsequent attempt to establish himself as a commission agent apparently failed .
10 Thus in the case referred to by Holt C.J. , in Philips v. Bury , Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 , the plaintiff sought an order directed to the master and fellows of a college to reinstate him as a fellow , the visitor having already adjudicated that he had been rightly removed .
11 His 60-year-old wife called in police , claiming he had punched her during the early hours after the ceremony to install him as the 18th civic leader at Stockton .
12 It 's a thought that crossed my mind to help you as a trainer .
13 The NSF had declared in January its intention to constitute itself as a political party , reversing an earlier decision .
14 There is a purpose in the negative force 's attempt to use you as a pawn .
15 Or let him acknowledge that while it is rational doubt for him as a liberal humanist to criticize the Buddhist , the Marxist or the Christian , it might equally be a rational doubt for the Marxist to criticize him as a humanist .
16 Deborah Pender , the head of a distribution company , lodged one of several bids for the complex to save it as a major tourist attraction .
17 A policy of legality and the maintenance of public order was officially adopted by the BUF in its attempt to portray itself as a responsible organization .
18 The successful Peronist in San Luis , incumbent governor Alberto Rodríguez Saa , announced his intention to present himself as a candidate for the 1995 presidential elections .
19 The historical interest of the collection and , indeed , of the palazzo itself has led to a decision to open it as a museum .
20 Following a visit to London and Paris in 1849 he returned to Aberdeen to establish himself as a portrait miniaturist .
21 One of the first kennels to establish itself as a consistent winner in the show ring was the Tankerville Kennel .
22 Spices certainly have come a long way since their early days , when they were a rare commodity and it was considered an honour to receive them as a gift .
23 Argeĺes is undeniably a centre , near enough to the towns to the north and the great valleys and mountains to the south to suggest itself as a place to stay .
24 On May 8 Bush reiterated his faith in Quayle , criticizing the press for " pounding on him when he 's doing a first class job " , and repeating his determination to retain him as the Republican Party 's 1992 nominee for Vice-President .
25 The ME Action Campaign is waging a major campaign to validate ME as a disease .
26 Perhaps one of our music institutions will have the foresight to invite him as a visiting lecturer ?
27 Over the years it had become apparent that Constance considered Brian a person of little consequence and that , this being the case , she would not have minded if he had hired the Albert Hall to denounce her as a barbarian and certainly cared nothing for his kitchen sulks and drawing-room sarcasm .
28 Certainly , this seems more plausible than the story of Franco 's late arrival , which was almost certainly invented later as part of the propaganda campaign to present him as the powerful statesman for whom even Adolf Hitler would wait .
29 Garland has argued that the reason why the early , biological positivists had the extraordinary ambition of arriving at a theory of the causes of crime where both the theory and the category of behaviour it was explaining had nothing to do with the criminal law , was that they were also engaged in a struggle to assert themselves as a ‘ new ’ profession of penal experts against the ‘ old ’ , legal profession .
30 Labour also moved towards more concern for the consumer , towards an acceptance of the need for legal curbs on the power of the unions , and the party 's need to confirm itself as the defence of the law and order sought by working-class citizens .
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