Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [conj] at the " in BNC.

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1 Michael Stein opened his mouth to reply but at the last minute , ever the professional , bit back a pithy retort .
2 ‘ Maybe there will be someone to fill Lineker 's shoes in years to come but at the moment the replacements must be given a chance to do it in their own time . ’
3 His failure to appreciate that at the time is no more than a commentary on the absence of knowledge about child abuse generally among social workers .
4 The period within which the charge is vulnerable is two years after its creation and there is no need to show that at the time the charge was created the company was insolvent .
5 There were so many things to do but at the back of her mind she knew she would never do any of them .
6 It is the users responsibility to ensure that at the time of the next offline run , the specified terminal is connected and not logged in — the offline system will not allocate a terminal to itself if it is already allocated to another VAX/VMS process .
7 Even quite small companies parted with large sums to ensure that at the end of the line the fare-paying public would be greeted by an imposing terminal .
8 It may be relevant for the Industrial Tribunal to investigate whether at the time he was dismissed and if not then when thereafter , he knew that he had the right to complain that he had been unfairly dismissed ; in some cases the Tribunal may have to consider whether there has been any misrepresentation about any relevant matter by the employer to the employee .
9 The best we can do is to establish a habit of " challenge " since this allows the old idea to continue but at the same time attaches some doubt and dissatisfaction to it .
10 In other cases there is land to spare and at the same time extreme population pressure plus unequal landholdings , such as in Brazil , where there is a constant stream of immigrants to the marginal lands of the North-East and to Amazonia .
11 Sloane himself reckoned that such an opportunity to travel and at the same time pursue the practice of physic was too good an opportunity to miss .
12 She is God 's creative energy as well as His power to destroy and at the same time she is His saving grace .
13 It will probably not surprise the reader to learn that at the outset of the course serious gaps in participants ' knowledge were identified .
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