Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , while the process of electing a national president went smoothly , state party elections revealed high levels of factionalism within the BJP and led to the intervention of the central leadership in attempts to restore a greater semblance of unity to the party .
2 The only constraint on attempts to acquire a larger budget is that it would cost more than the total value to the politicians of the service , the value of additional output being zero .
3 AFTER a pre-tax loss rising last year from £4.7 million to £41.1 million , Clyde Petroleum yesterday asked its shareholders to provide a further £34.1 million through a one-for-four rights issue .
4 The Socialist government of Sr Felipe Gonzalez saw lower consumption forecasts due to lower levels of economic growth as offering the opportunity to establish a better energy balance .
5 They meet under the auspices of the National Association of Coordinators of Community Languages in order to develop their expertise : a number of colleagues within this body have advocated the setting up of a recognised DES course to provide a further exchange of ideas as well as more official guidance to team leaders and coordinators .
6 Recognise that spelling has patterns , and begin to apply their knowledge of those patterns in their attempts to spell a wider range of words .
7 It can be a real privilege to meet an older person who has experienced considerable loss in their life and has come to terms with it .
8 Video also creates the opportunity to observe a wider range of teacher personalities , teaching styles , classroom conditions and learning needs .
9 Moreover , people in personal crisis are not very effective at making their needs felt in socially acceptable ways ; they do not organize themselves into consumer pressure groups to demand a better deal , not at least until they are recovered from their own crisis .
10 TRANMERE won their long fight to provide a better standard of competition for their reserves today when they were admitted to the Pontins League .
11 If an invitation were issued , it would provide an incredible opportunity to encourage the further growth of rugby in both Canada and the USA .
12 By doing this , ‘ they have helped to set one area and one group of workers against another in the struggle to obtain a higher share of the inadequate number of jobs available . ’
13 The publication of land registers for the greater part of the country represents a major opportunity to secure the better use of massive acreages of underused land .
14 Alan Clayson 's attempt to paint a clearer picture is severely hampered by Harrison 's refusal to co-operate , thus leaving Clayson to read every press clipping , interview anyone who ever knew him , and cobble together a book out of it .
15 Alan Clayson 's attempt to paint a clearer picture is severely hampered by Harrison 's refusal to co-operate , thus leaving Clayson to read every press clipping , interview anyone who ever knew him , and cobble together a book out of it .
16 The first was an accelerated attempt to broaden the focus of the family planning programme to include the broader concept of family welfare planning — an ingenious verbal massage of an increasingly tarnished image , but one which did acknowledge the need for a better delivery system for family health including better preventative medicine , pre- and post-puerperal care and advice on household hygiene which would lower infant mortality rates and improve the health of the family .
17 The GAO is concerned about the increased use of antibiotics to treat the higher incidence of mastitis in cows which have been fed with BST .
18 US Senate armed services committee chairman Sam Nunn asked the Defence Department to conduct a further investigation , citing the statement in the ABC broadcast by Adml. ( retd ) William Crowe , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , that the Vincennes had been in Iranian waters when it fired the missile , not in international waters as previously claimed .
19 In these areas there is often not enough wind to drive the bigger wind generators ; they require a minimum seven knots before they turn .
20 Laganside agreed to review safety procedures during the week-long break to accommodate the Lower Ormeau Community Festival .
21 Over the years , the masts of masthead-rigged yachts have been moving further and further aft , putting greater emphasis on the power developed by the genoa and enabling the boat to carry a longer spinnaker pole as the J measurement increased .
22 In addition use will be made of the 1981 Census Small Area Statistics and data from the National On-Line Manpower Information System to construct neighbourhood demographic and socio-economic variables to enable a richer analysis of the national surveys to be undertaken .
23 This method of narration allows the reader to take part in the initial experience , to share in the inquiry into its meaning from the start , and then to join in the subsequent dialogue with which Wordsworth engages ‘ the Mind out there ’ ( or the ‘ Wisdom and Spirit of the Universe ’ ) in his attempt to find a fuller explanation .
24 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary patients are to be surveyed in a bid to provide a better service .
25 For at least some Western observers Soviet action was not simply a violation of international agreements but an attempt to establish a greater degree of influence in the Persian Gulf , an area of enormous significance for Western oil supplies and one in which the Western position had already been weakened by the overthrow of the Shah of Iran .
26 SHARES in John Ritblat 's British Land soared yesterday after the property group announced it was splitting the company in two in an attempt to provide a better deal for shareholders .
27 These moves convinced Pope Paul III that Henry 's disobedience was serious , and in an attempt to activate an earlier bull of excommunication against the king , he lent his support to the Northern rebels during the Pilgrimage of Grace .
28 They were interpreted as an attempt to create a wider market in cultivated land .
29 The Croatian leadership , however , denounced this as an attempt to create a Greater Serbia , and insisted that peacekeeping forces should be on the legal republican borders .
30 There are day trips to explore the Wilder Kaiser area ; trips to the Krimml Waterfalls and the Berchtesgaden salt mines .
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