Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] only [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The criteria adopted by the Court of Appeal in Newell ( 1980 ) were that courts should only take account of characteristics with which the provocation was concerned ; permanent characteristics such as race and , probably , religion may be taken into account , but transient conditions such as intoxication and exhaustion may not .
2 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
3 Some requesting States may only accept evidence taken in a particular way and the Convention tries to ensure that a request for a special procedure ( for example , for verbatim transcripts or , on the other hand , for a summary of the evidence in deposition form ; or for video-taped evidence ) will not be refused merely because it is inconvenient to the requested State .
4 In contrast , Article 16 provides that a diplomatic officer or consular agent may only take evidence , without compulsion , of nationals of the State in which he exercises his functions , or of third States , if a competent authority in the requested State has given its permission , either generally or in the particular case , and subject to any conditions imposed .
5 Fifty years ago , Debussy fans could only buy records of this or that piano piece from the Préludes , Estampes , Children 's Corner and so on , and I remember my pleasure as a child in acquiring HMV 's 12-inch shellac disc of Rubinstein playing the Prélude from Pour le piano ( labelled as ‘ Prelude in A minor ’ ) coupled with Ravel 's ‘ Forlane ’ from Le tombeau de Couperin .
6 His conclusion that there was no duress where the defendant could only put pressure on the plaintiff by the institution of proceedings , to which proceedings there would have been available the defence which ultimately prevailed , was , in my view , unimpeachable since there is ample authority for the view that a mere threat of action does not per se constitute duress .
7 China 's view was that Taiwan could only enter GATT as part of China .
8 The importance of the BBFC has been enhanced in recent years by local licensing requirements for sex cinemas , which generally require that all films screened shall have been approved by the BBFC in its " adult " category , and by the rule that cable television companies and video shops shall only carry films which have been granted an appropriate BBFC certificate .
9 It costs £49.95 , but an agent would only pay £30 .
10 It was clear from the start that American aid would only take place in the context of commitments to economic reform within Europe .
11 This is close to instrumental accounts of the role of the state , but Habermas argued that these economic crises would only threaten capitalism if they were unresolved .
12 Irrespective of the cause of anxiety , punishing the horse will only make things worse .
13 The British Association for Shooting and Conservation says it will campaign against changes to current regulations , arguing that setting up a complicated bureaucracy to control shooting will only cause confusion .
14 Most commonly , the units will only use family labour , but if wage-labour is employed , there is likely to be a large differential between wage rates in the periphery and those paid in the centre .
15 Any fiscal measures dampening demand for new cars will only increase unemployment in the motor trade .
16 It is normal practice , subject to negotiation , for contracts to be executed on the basis that completion will only take place once the relevant consents have been obtained or approvals given .
17 In relation to a fixed charge , the purchaser should insist that completion will only take place if a deed of release in terms satisfactory to the purchaser is delivered at or before completion .
18 Despite the wide definition of " income " in s670 , the Revenue can only charge tax if they can find an appropriate Case and/or Schedule .
19 Notice that the buying and selling of units can only take place between the trust and the original purchaser .
20 Thinking can only make use of the patterns we have acquired in the past .
21 Your mind can only focus attention on one area of the swing until it becomes muscle memory and works naturally .
22 Lord Justice Scott can only invite witnesses to attend .
23 On fixed frames , the weaver can only make rugs in sizes smaller than the inner dimensions of the frame ; adjustable frames allow one or more of the beams to be extended so that larger items can be woven .
24 Private hire cars can only carry passengers in response to requests by phone .
25 This Condition can only have effect if it is called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it giving written notice to the other to that effect .
26 Whereas biochemical studies can measure enzyme activities , immunohistochemistry can only provide information on enzyme protein , some of which may be inactive .
27 Even the work of such pioneers as Sue Savage-Rumbaugh , teaching chimpanzees to recognize lexigrams ( graphic symbols ) , simply underlines the fact that animals can only learn associations with particular sensory stimuli that mesh with their already existing mental structure .
28 The identikit can only match faces already stored in the memory bank . ’
29 The discovery of it outside the groups identified as apparent risks can only give cause for concern .
30 A government department can only spend money specifically approved by the House of Commons .
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