Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [vb infin] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 One part of a sentence may indicate what the second part is likely to be .
2 16.48 The record of the continuous assessment should cover what the child has read ; the child 's reading strategies and approaches when handling a familiar text , levels of comprehension ; retrieval of information ; and the child 's reading tastes and preferences .
3 Premier should do what the people want … ‘
4 And I think that it is an important er qualification to this schedule that the principle parties can agree what the in inputted are .
5 President , Congress , brothers and sisters the G M B is a general broad-based union , so the people here , the delegates here from the private sector may wonder what the fuss is about , as my colleague from London asked why was n't all this kicked about twelve years ago ?
6 The anecdotal evidence is that parties often want informal , non-legalistic meetings where the expert can hear what the parties ' non-legal representatives have to say , without any lawyers being present .
7 The position before this case was that if a power was properly classifiable as a prerogative power , the courts could decide what the extent of the power was and whether a proper occasion for its exercise had arisen , but they could not decide whether it had been exercised reasonably or fairly .
8 Regular sums of hard currency were put at his disposal so that he or his aides could buy whatever the residents of the Palaţul Primaverii wished .
9 The team would do what the individual could no longer do because the organisation was becoming too large and/or complex .
10 The middle classes would serve sour cheap wine but exotic foods and the band would eat whatever the guests ate , but not for long : the hosts having paid for the band to play , not to eat .
11 Now the author can see what the document will look like as soon as the text is typed .
12 One thing is certain : no constituency would form what the Alliance Report glibly called " a natural community " .
13 A post-test will disclose what the student has learnt from the programme , and whether the objectives have been met .
14 Therefore the restaurant manager and other front-of-house staff must use their skill to talk enthusiastically and intelligently about the menu so that customers will appreciate what the chef is producing , and dare to be adventurous .
15 This rarer type of Down 's syndrome can happen whatever the mother 's age .
16 Instead the adult should specify what the child did that was good : ‘ Good girl for putting your toys away ’ .
17 Even where there is a case for legal action on these criteria the local authority should consider what the use of compulsory powers will add in safeguarding the child and whether the gain is sufficient to justify the use of compulsion and the trauma that may result .
18 Hence the tribunal must give what the reviewing court regards as the correct meaning to the statutory terms , before the tribunal can be properly within the sphere of its jurisdiction ; mistakes as to the meaning of these terms become jurisdictional errors .
19 any new constitutional arrangement must provide what the 1920 Government of Ireland Act tragically failed to achieve : tough guarantees of basic rights for the minority as well as for the majority community , together with accessible and representative institutions to enforce them .
20 Our groundshare next season will show what the team is really made of as we run out for home games on the unfamiliar battlefield of St Dodimeads Comprehensive .
21 But the Left-wing were not satisfied and sought to ensure that the next Labour Government would do what the party wanted .
22 Is democracy a means of bringing about that the people shall consent to what the government proposes to do , or that the government shall do what the people want ?
23 He is confident that the government and the army will accept what the assembly decides .
24 Everyone who has watched a loved one go through the experience of a major and dangerous operation will understand what the next few weeks were like .
25 At the end of each six week period we have an assessment session whereby they have to do a ‘ performance ’ to everybody else in that year , so the music can see what the dance has done … etc .
26 Preliminary plans will show what the adaptation will look like — make sure that these are explained to you .
27 The report will outline what the microcomputer is to be used for and which microcomputer hardware and software will be needed .
28 Youngsters with inquiring minds will ask what the Government are doing by economic policies to bring lasting future employment and human dignity to the present and likely future unemployed .
29 Mr Smith renewed his demand for publication of Government law officers ' advice which suggests ministers may ignore whatever the Commons votes on the social chapter .
30 Unless something happens soon , David MacDonald and the DTI may achieve what the Japanese and several recessions could not : the destruction of Britain 's greatest motorcycling name .
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