Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] over the " in BNC.

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1 On 31 May 1974 , the Supreme Court decided by eight votes to nil that the President must hand over the tapes to the new Special Prosecutor , Leon Jaworski , and in July the House Judiciary Committee voted that the President should be impeached .
2 Willie Falconer could take over the No.3 shirt from suspended Jimmy Phillips .
3 If before completion of execution , notice is given to the sheriff or bailiff that a bankruptcy order has been made , the sheriff or bailiff must hand over the proceeds to the official receiver or trustee subject to his costs of execution ( s 346(2) ) .
4 A Youngman protégé could take over the old boy 's lecturing responsibilities and everything would fit together rather nicely .
5 The King of Ireland would take over the ceremonial duties of the Irish President , who is now nominally set over the Irish Prime Minister .
6 BTE Glenrothes will take over the existing subcontract engineering business .
7 Alejandro , fed up with Raimundo 's laziness and his exorbitant whining demands , was put in such a good mood when he saw the black eye that he agreed that Perdita could take over the breaking of little Tero .
8 In a letter published in The Times on March 2nd , the Cardinal said : ‘ Whatever stance individuals may take over the morality of the nuclear deterrent , there must be general agreement on the aim of preventing the spread of weapons to non-nuclear states . ’
9 Foreign labour was cheaper than Libyan , and it was excluded from the benefits of socialist legislation , in particular from the provision that workers could take over the private businesses for which they worked .
10 British Telecommunications Plc 's Atlanta-based Syncordia Corp is finally able to announce its contract to run a major part of the communications network for British Petroleum Co Plc : Syncordia will take over the management of a large part of BP 's existing communication infrastructure , including all North Sea communications ; no value given .
11 A national health service should take over the provision for medical care in the old insurance scheme and effectively underpin the new one .
12 As did the suggestion that Liz and Owen might take over the old home .
13 Owen could take over the transcendentalists ' search for underlying patterns , but , since the relationships were ideal rather than physical , he could follow Cuvier 's refutation of transmutation by emphasizing the gaps between the different forms of vertebrate life .
14 In this case another usher or bridesmaid could take over the duty of checking the microphone .
15 But what would happen , probably , was that his spirit wife would take over the computer , just as she took over almost everything .
16 Speaking the day after a meeting of the Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) , Babangida said that caretaker committees would take over the adminstration of the two parties and would , in conjunction with the National Electoral Commission ( NEC ) , draw up new guidelines for the selection of party executives at local , state and national level .
17 She said quote , I do not accept that Mr and Mrs will hand over the care of their daughter to paid carers until it is absolutely necessary .
18 The factor can take over the handling of the client 's sales ledger , including chasing up slow payers , providing cash against invoices and also , if need be , arranging credit insurance .
19 In its most heroic and grandiose form , it proposed no less than this : that working people should take over the industries which employed them and organise those industries into nationwide co-operatives , the whole to be in the charge of one , all-inclusive trade union .
20 Although each patch would have a back-up long-term hostel , it was intended that the mental health centres should take over the role of caring for most people with longer-term difficulties .
21 The appointment fulfilled a requirement of the 1977 Panama Canal Treaties that a Panamanian should take over the post from a US citizen at the beginning of 1990 .
22 There are those who love to confuse the fundamental issue of power by talking about ‘ legal definitions of sovereignty ’ , claiming that because these are outdated , Westminster should hand over the powers which it does have to Brussels .
23 This I overplayed by spending too much time in the rear of the stalls watching rehearsals , and an assistant would take over the Royal deliveries .
24 Sir Adrian Cadbury is not one of those who subscribes to the popular theory that a truly professional manager can take over the helm of any type of business with only a superficial knowledge of the nuts and bolts .
25 Ceramic materials may take over the role of cobalt in magnets , a move stimulated by the political upheavals in Zaire in 1978 , which forced up the price of the metal and made many manufacturers look for substitutes .
26 It is a point at which those who analyse conversation in terms of ‘ turn-taking ’ ( Sacks et al. , 1974 ) would suggest that another speaker could take over the turn .
27 The alternative , as he saw it , was that the Americans would take over the Empire , while Britain exhausted herself trying to set the continent to rights .
28 Winners of this year 's competition will take over the education page for a day and pick up a £200 cash prize .
29 Government can hand over the production of a good to the private sector while still financing it , as with refuse collection or cleaning and maintaining public sector buildings .
30 Following the Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 , referred to earlier it is expected that local authorities will take over the responsibility for prosecuting persons for such offences , as Regulation 7 repeals s.78(3) of the 1974 Act which had required proceedings to be instituted by an inspector appointed under s. 19 of the Health and Safety at Work , etc .
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