Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 He later reported that they were in worse condition than he had first thought and doubted whether they were fit for the job .
2 I though of Poppy and was surprised to find that the fever that had raged in my blood since I had first seen her was n't there any more .
3 Nor , when their parents had already helped them more than enough with furniture and carpets and the like when they had first moved in , did she think she could take any more from them .
4 Bob could remember his own loneliness and isolation when he had first come down and started work on the paper .
5 He wore an open-neck shirt and trousers that needed pressing , but he 'd apologized for his ‘ unkempt ’ condition when he 'd first greeted them , explaining that he 'd been decorating at home and had pulled on the first things to hand in his haste to get to the waxworks .
6 On the same day that he received Palmerston 's letter , he replied that he had not intended to say that Gothic was re-established as the leading English architecture of the day , but rather its history and origin made a strong case for its revival in those countries where it had first flourished .
7 Finally she returned to the information desk where she 'd first encountered him the previous day , and found a pretty young woman sitting there stacking up guide books on Dublin .
8 They , they played a lot better second half than they did first apparently
9 She found the wrecker 's yard down an alley just behind the station , about an hour and a half after she had first arrived there on the train .
10 Meanwhile , London Division One outfit Tabard will have the crowd on their feet when they host First Division giants Northampton .
11 There was evidently more to this alien antiquity than he had first supposed .
12 It had been almost three days since they had first met in hell , in the arena where the mysterious traveller had fought his deadly foe .
13 In the days since they had first met , Hess had unbent a little with Edward Carrington , but his decision not to discuss detail had remained unchanged .
14 It had been forty years since he had first met Felicity ; they had been students at the Sorbonne reading a course entitled ‘ Civilisation francaise ’ , paid for by their indulgent fathers .
15 She had been his housekeeper since he had first moved into the rectory with Adelaide , and she looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession .
16 So what was wrong with her ? she asked herself for the hundredth time as she sat sipping a glass of wine in his apartment in the Barbican some weeks after they 'd first met .
17 By a remarkable coincidence this book arrived on my desk for review a matter of weeks after I had first seen it and browsed through it in a bookshop in Kathmandu .
18 In 1868 , a mere two years after he had first begun his course in Cheltenham , he left London and his family again — for good , this time .
19 Nothing could be less conclusive than this sensational ending to a turgid and inflated romance , nor does Rider Haggard 's elaborate initial paraphernalia of the letter and package coming to the author from Holly after the old man 's death convince one any more successfully of the ‘ tragedy ’ of the lovers than does the equally elaborate account of the ‘ letter and two packets ’ containing Leo Vincey 's family history and Holly 's account of the events of She which , we are asked to believe , reached the author a few years after he had first seen Holly and the golden-haired hero Leo Vincey in a Cambridge street .
20 He began to assemble what he remembered about the house in Mouncy Street as he had first known it .
21 She was almost sure that if somebody had asked her about all this business when she had first woken in the back of the vehicle , she could , despite her pain and discomfort , have replied .
22 The poem , addressed in its final form to Charles Lamb , followed his friends in imagination as they walked first ‘ along the hill-top edge ’ , then descended to the waterfall in the ‘ roaring dell ’ at Holford , and climbed at last high into the Quantocks , from where they looked out upon ‘ the many-steepled tract magnificent ’ of the coastal plain .
23 What it provides is that a company proposing to allot equity securities shall not allot them to any person unless it has first offered , on the same or more favourable terms , to each person who holds relevant shares or relevant employee shares , a proportion of those equity securities which is as nearly as practicable equal to his existing proportion in nominal value of his aggregate holdings of relevant shares and relevant employee shares .
24 There had been a moon when they 'd first arrived , but the clouds had come while they were chopping wood , and the rain while they 'd cooked dinner on the two little primus stoves .
25 Perhaps Piers had been no more than a struggling architect when they had first met , and she had not been content to lead a life of poverty .
26 That was what he 'd thought of every morning since he 'd first started feeding them with Mrs Wright 's grain .
27 It was a just over a week since she had first set foot on the Dorset coast path .
28 We 'd heard the dogs ' barking spreading through the trees when they 'd first been unleashed .
29 As she stretched out an arm to switch off the light she saw , on the marble-topped bedside table , the book which had been open on the bedcover when she had first visited the house .
30 The Spartan asceticism in the attic as I had first experienced it was giving way to small comforts .
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