Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [verb] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 BP is regarded by many in the industry as having gained the best award of all the foreign oil companies , confirmed by approaches from competitors who are , says Ritson , ‘ offering to collaborate ’ .
2 On April 29 , JS sponsored a lunch at Stationers ' Hall in the City of London held to honour the person identified by the horticultural industry as having made the biggest contribution to commercial horticulture in 1992 .
3 The Communist Party began to speak of the ILP membership as having forced the leaders into disaffiliation .
4 Similarly , on June 29th 1970 , the same newspaper reported Portuguese troops as having crossed the border from Angola in order to kidnap the inhabitants of a remote Zambian village .
5 Thus , if the trustees of an interest in possession trust were actually to pay monies it will generally be the trustees who will be treated for the purpose of income tax as having made the payment and not the beneficiary ; if bare trustees , nominees or agents were to pay monies the beneficial owners or principals will generally be treated as having made the payments .
6 Sussex University was born , with more glitter and publicity than had attended the more earnest first days of Keele , and with a declared mission to redraw the map of knowledge , to challenge the hegemony of the traditional subject , to celebrate a new scientific culture .
7 George Moore 's depiction of Jesus as having survived the Crucifixion followed on from a contention maintained not only by some of the oldest heresies , but also by the Koran , and thus widely accepted throughout Islam and the Islamic world .
8 Such trees as have escaped the chainsaw are now in full leaf , the grass is looking crisp and healthy , with the exception of the brutal scars inflicted on the ‘ meadow ’ stretch along the Castletown Road by the lorries of the heavy handed tree fellers .
9 The same undertaker as had handled the disposal of Jacob 's body would collect the coffins and bring them back to Suffolk .
10 On Aug. 17 IRNA reported Rafsanjani as having told the Turkish President Turgut Özal during a telephone conversation that " peace with Iraq is a different issue , and we hold to our view that Iraq must evacuate its forces from Kuwait so as to create the necessary conditions for the re-establishment of peace and tranquillity " .
11 Yesterday you reported the Scottish executive as having clarified the attitude of the party in Scotland to water privatisation , in the wake of John Smith 's recent speech about ownership not mattering , and Tom Clarke 's discomfiture at being questioned over it .
12 An overwhelming vote of no confidence in it it was passed at the annual Police Federation conference in 1989 , with one member being reported in the press as having described the Authority as ‘ hell-bent on depriving police officers of their civil rights ’ .
13 However , the publication of the abstract for his talk was claimed by some in the University of Utah as having brought the cold fusion work into the public domain and excusing their own subsequent announcement .
14 It was not surprising that Tehran had seized upon the state of the oil market , in the light of the widespread indictment of Riyadh as having provoked the circumstances which left OPEC in disarray in 1985–86 .
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