Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in Mercantile Credit v. Hamblin ( paragraph 5–07 above ) , if Mrs. Hamblin had authorised or agreed to the trader filling in the proposal form , the result of the case would have been different .
2 The situation can be seen either as successive waves of colonists from old established centres filling in the landscape with daughter settlements , or as a scatter of settlements , some of which develop while others remain unaltered .
3 You know er you were hippyish in the countryside breathing in the country air and that .
4 The girls bringing in the parcel could dress up like the bridegroom-to-be , taking his work or hobby as the theme , or like any male characters such as footballers , policemen or policewomen wearing sunglasses , gorillas with cigars , city gents in bowler hats , or a spoof pop group of boys in short trousers and caps singing , ‘ Will you still need me when I 'm sixty-four ? ’ .
5 The old loon looked puzzled and might have retaliated , but things were defused by a nurse bringing in the trolley of books that constituted the hospital library .
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