Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
2 It consists of long chains of sulphur atoms which , at room temperature , break up and reform to produce S8 molecules crystallising in the orthorhombic lattice .
3 We used to have House matches at the Hurlingham track , and I remember one afternoon competing in the 100 , 200 and 400 metres and the three jumps — high , long and triple .
4 Even the payment of players was regulated in such a way as to prevent clubs competing in a free market for talent .
5 THE Football Association are to request that players of all clubs competing in the third round of the FA Cup this weekend should wear black armbands in memory of former secretary Ted Croker , who died at the age of 68 on Christmas Day .
6 Half an hour later he came back , his yellow teeth flashing in a confident cockney smile .
7 She flinched as Stephen laid his hands on her naked shoulders and planted a hungry kiss on the side of her neck his fingers fumbling in the thick folds of the towel , seeking her breasts .
8 She could see him vaguely now , white shirt gleaming in the pale moonlight .
9 I had on the Ring of Luned that brings invisibility , and I saw the Glass Castle and the chains hanging in the Great Tower .
10 Wirgman influenced the development of Western-style painting in Japan by serving as the first foreign teacher to artists painting in the Western style .
11 The most striking non-deglutitive motility pattrn consisted of repetitive bursts of non-sequential pressure peaks occurring in the smooth muscle of the oesophagus .
12 She found it strange and a trifle exciting to sit at the cafe tables , and watch Wehrmacht , Luftwaffe and Nazi naval personnel walking in the leafy boulevards .
13 CD 's second novel , written for serialization in Richard Bentley 's monthly magazine , Bentley 's Miscellany , of which CD was the first editor , the first instalment appearing in the second issue of Feb. 1837 .
14 Orkney Islands Council , too , tried to prevent the story appearing in the following day 's edition .
15 His most recent summer holidays were spent with his two sons walking in the central Pyrenees : ‘ It was quite gruelling . ’
16 Barn owls nesting in a small cave in Somerset ( see opposite ) produced a bone assemblage of 5161 bones from 113 prey individuals ( see p. 96 and Fig. 4.1 ) .
17 He had thought of Doreen 's absences every night , the front-door banging in the early hours of the morning , the whine of a car drawing away from beneath his window .
18 Every case appearing in the national press is likely to appear in some local newspaper .
19 Yoma 's former husband Ibrahim al Ibrahim , appointed by Menem as Chief of Customs at Buenos Aires international airport , along with a former government official , Mario Caserta , had also been accused of drug laundering in the same report .
20 In a sense , history is repeating itself in that the sequence of development in the past has also contained local ‘ boom ’ elements such as kelp gathering in the 19th century or the bulb growing schemes in the 1960's , both of which foundered in response to changes in external economic imperatives , although at the outset there were high hopes that unique local resources i.e. seaweed and disease-free sandy soils , would provide enduring employment opportunities .
21 He spent months recovering in a private clinic in Bordeaux .
22 Suppose that we identify , or biological engineers construct , a slug like creature which , throughout its life , experiences a low level of pleasure consisting in an inarticulate feeling of humdrum comfort .
23 What is the point of having Van Goch hanging in a public building if people with disabilities are not provided with proper access facilities .
24 His dark brows rose , his eyes gleaming in the reflected light .
25 Already at the foot of the stairs she whirled round , her eyes flashing in the musty gloom .
26 VILLA PARK , the Aston Villa soccer club ground , will be the home of the Birmingham club competing in the new International League of American Football .
27 Once , years ago , he had come upon a hare struggling in an illegal snare .
28 After trudging disconsolately round a few bars , I went back to our cheap hostel , where to my relief I found Dana snoring in the double bed we were to share .
29 Nathan shook his head , his mouth twisting in a humourless smile .
30 The more I looked at different societies , the more I saw the little traps lurking in the small print …
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