Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] new " in BNC.

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1 Twelve of the 30 units making up the new HND in Social Care .
2 The Ministry of Labour and Government Administration , previously held by Tove Strand Gerhardsen , was split into two , with Gunnar Berge taking over the new Ministry of Local Government and Labour and Oddny Alexandersen the Ministry of Government Administration .
3 There was an odd note of pride in his voice , like a small boy showing off a new toy .
4 A new theoretical formulation or a new analogy can be immensely important in furthering knowledge ; certainly just as much as can finding out a new fact .
5 A mass of mail when I got back here — replies saying NO for example for the part time post of editor of the Episcopal Church paper up here and a NO from a firm opening up a new range of discount grocery stores .
6 When the hue and cry died down , there was nothing Charlton could do to prevent Lawrence taking on a new challenge .
7 They could see a man with a ladder up against the cinema putting up the new poster , and the small round figure of Peggy Pine coming out of her dress shop to stand and look admiringly at her window display .
8 As early as July 1728 Wade was able to report : ‘ I am now with all possible diligence carrying on the new road for wheel-carriages between Dunkeld and Inverness , of about 80 English measured miles [ 128 km ] ’ , but it was 1731 which saw the creation of his masterpiece , the road from Dalwhinnie to Fort Augustus , in the middle of the Great Glen .
9 At level II , candidates will take four mandatory core skills modules , plus three modules making up a new National Certificate Cluster in design .
10 Not a full-time neglect , but one which sets her as a decoration on the perimeter of his life as a busy executive setting up a new venture .
11 The challenge of the emerging technologies and new media has also led to publishers in Germany setting up a new working group on electronic publishing , the Verleger-Arbeitskreis Elektronisches Publizieren .
12 Brewery bosses say that every British couple bringing back the new full drink and tobacco allowance would save almost £1,000 in import duty .
13 Since the hastily-arranged press conference to launch the discussion document setting out the new scheme , the vice-chairman of Suffolk Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group has been pouring over the fine detail of the Ministry documents , and he likes what he reads , calling it ‘ a very exciting package . ’
14 Few things were more demoralising than to stand uselessly by while other men demonstrated their professional competence ; Kerrison , that connoisseur of death , literally sniffing at the body ; the photographers , taciturn , preoccupied with lighting and angles ; Inspector Doyle , in charge of a murder case at last , impresario of death , tense with the suppressed excitement of a child at Christmas gloating over a new toy .
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