Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Many gardeners believe that an informal pool should be planted liberally , with waterlilies obscuring areas of the water surface , and reeds and rushes tumbling in from the garden .
2 Tolonen stared at him a moment , nodding , his lips pressed tightly together , his earnest grey eyes looking out from a face carved like granite .
3 One can picture Hoskyns looking down from the skies and being grateful for his pupil ; and Bethune-Baker looking down and thinking that he always knew where Hoskyns might lead the Churches .
4 As we were talking , out of the corner of my eye I could see Balvinder Singh stumbling back from the cooking-corner of the tent , holding a plate piled high with hot pakoras .
5 Violence spilling over from the conflict in Croatia has escalated dramatically in recent weeks after the republic 's 1.9 million Muslims and 750,000 Croats voted overwhelmingly to secede from Serb-controlled remnants of Yugoslavia .
6 He left the car again , and saw something else on the other side of it — a pair of legs jutting out from the bushes nearby .
7 And there are steps going down from the drawing room , and up from the dining room .
8 The sea wall ended , steps going down from the promenade and burying themselves in sand .
9 Initially , he had much sympathy from the British trade union movement , funds pouring in from the mainland , including almost £pound94,000 collected by the Trades Union Congress .
10 There was a glimpse of dark , pain-filled eyes peering out from the folds of the red blankets .
11 These rings could be the result of surface waves spreading out from the impact through the solid surface , or the result of a succession of wall slumps in a once deeper basin .
12 And the wind drifting off from the island .
13 The plates are not permanent : they are constantly being replenished by liquid rock gushing up from the Earth 's mantle ( the subsurface layer ) at the long submarine mountain ranges known as the mid-ocean ridges .
14 And then they had the adits coming down from the top .
15 On the short mixed ridge leading to this minor training summit , you can view an endless stream of parties coming up from the Grands Montets cablecar station for a taste of a real alpine mountaineering .
16 Led by Major Ronnie Tod , 30 men went ashore and had hardly been gone a few minutes when Dudley Clarke and the commander saw the dark outline of a boat coming in from the sea .
17 Since the 1920's Berlin has been a city encountered through images : Doblin , Pabst and Isherwood ; the diabolic glamour of Nazism ; Year Zero ; the Airlift ; John Kennedy and spies coming in from the cold ; the generation of " 68 , the stylized desperation of the punk underground , and angels made corporeal .
18 He stood silent beside the sofa , the black disc of the revolver trained on her , his face half in shadow from the harsh light shining down from the ceiling .
19 If , if there was no guidance coming through from the committee .
20 His eyes , now that she could see them clearly , abraded her flesh with a cold more searing than the icy wind blowing up from the valley this morning .
21 Every brook coming down from the heights was swollen into a torrent , every valley river gulped these tributaries into its heart , and burst out over the narrow meadows into languid shallows , while in the centre it rushed ahead with treacherous force .
22 The first of these sets the amount of effect coming in from the JMP 's effects loop — a really good idea and all amps should have this in some form .
23 He rang off , and it was only minutes before they heard the chug of the engine of his jeep coming down from the hills in the still of the morning .
24 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
25 Entertainment would come in the form of the funfair , races and sports for the children , sideshows and tents packed with crafts and fancy merchandise , pleasure flights in light aircraft taking off from the company runway , and then , much later in the evening , the grand firework display that would wind up the day 's events .
26 During these periods , the great tides sweeping in from the Atlantic would first feel the initial restriction of the Bristol Channel .
27 Glossy blue-black , heavily built , they twisted and turned in unison , deep croaks echoing back from the walls of the ravine .
28 The taut legs standing out from the body at all angles , some hideously broken like twigs thrown carelessly on a bonfire , others still moving feebly .
29 Between the two lay the formidable barrier of the River Spey , which , as late as 17 March , was said to be ‘ so swelled with snow melting down from the hills that it will not be fordable without going a great way up the country ’ .
30 The functional association of two domains can then be interpreted through a hierarchical search extending down from the initial checking for the intersection of geometric domains , through an entity or edge condition check , into that for the relationships of the sub-surfaces contained within the spatial intersection .
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