Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But with his defence protecting him from any direct shots , Prudhoe steadily recovered , and he excelled himself after 69 minutes when Noel Blake powered a header goalwards from only six yards , but the indisputable player of the season somehow threw himself along his line to scramble the ball away .
2 This is a large pool , 6.5 ft by 39.5 ft , with a wide flight of steps entering it from one end .
3 Caroline paced her bedroom , her furious steps taking her from one end of the handsome room to the other .
4 She could see Dennis watching them from one of the stables behind Bill .
5 Levering himself up to sit back on his heels and pulling her easily with him , he lifted her on to his lap , so that she found herself straddling him , her naked breasts pressed against the sensuous roughness of his chest , with only thin swimming costumes protecting her from ultimate intimacy .
6 For the rest , the older generation and the perennially mathematically innocent , it will be best to start by thinking of a vector as something like an arrow directing us from one point to another .
7 One of the two largest owls of the region , an enormous , almost eagle-sized bird , the prominent ear-tufts and facial disc distinguishing it from all diurnal birds of prey .
8 The trio were so utterly absorbed in each other for the next half hour that none of them noticed Rose Williams watching them from some little distance , her face screwed into a sour smile of bitterness and longing .
9 The main reason for this lack of use appears have been uncertainty regarding the potential of such a source , a small number of companies indicated that cost was a factor deterring them from this type of information .
10 What with the cacophony of sounds assailing us from all sides and the crowd of shoppers jostling and pressing between and around us , this reply may not give him a very clear indication of where I am standing .
11 The development of this part of the plot is swift , Lear 's impatient anger leading him from one self-imposed crisis to another .
12 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
13 He yelled this in case I had trouble hearing him from six inches away .
14 She has endured house arrest , detentions without trial , continual harassment by the police and orders banning her from political activity , while , all the time , never shrinking from her duties of leadership in the thankless battle against apartheid .
15 ISO will follow an elliptical orbit taking it from 1000 to 39 000 km above the Earth 's surface and will complete one orbit every 12 hours .
16 Arran accepted the inevitable , and made way for Mary of Guise , in return for various financial inducements for himself and his family , and a discharge securing him from any actions against him for anything he had done during the period of his regency .
17 The other half of the club has a stage surrounded by white plastic tables and chairs , above which a blonde girl in a white body stocking was dangling from a rope , with only a ligature around her ankle saving her from crashing head first to the floor .
18 He was dressed in close-fitting grey trousers that emphasised the length of his legs and a short-sleeved cotton-knit shirt , also in grey , a striped butcher 's apron protecting them from fat splashes .
19 According to the Liberal-Irish alliance , the Irish party was supposed to abstain from the 1901 Conservative bill , aimed at bringing denominational schools in England and Wales into the national education system while at the same time absenting them from local government control : that is , giving finance while maintaining the system of denominational clerical control .
20 He held the office until Safar 924/February 1518 when he was succeeded by two Damascene scholars in turn , who between them held the post until 927/1521 ; then by two Ottomans , in turn , until 930/1524 ; and then again by one of the Damascenes who had earlier held the post , this time holding it from 930/1524 to 936/1530 when he was removed , apparently for misconduct .
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