Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Former Scottish international Rodger , who won the men 's singles last year in the Middlesbrough Borough Councilsupported event , has a particular strong field competing against him for his title .
2 Walkers would find themselves diving out of the way on paths , escaping from runaway mountain bikes careering towards them on a mission to deposit their riders in a ditch .
3 The Court acknowledged that the Registry could not make a decision binding upon it in its judicial capacity .
4 They glared at one another , attraction and antagonism crackling between them like electricity .
5 He saw the knot of people beyond the flames gazing at him in puzzled amazement , but they made no response .
6 On three sides of this mound there is a colonnade on a raised platform comprising sixteen evenly spaced square pillars of unhewn stone , each thirty-two feet high , linked together at the top by heavy beams with ropes and chains hanging from them at short intervals .
7 Blundell 's School magazine later observed : ‘ Parisian cricket is not of the Comic Opera kind one would expect … we dreamt of French demon bowlers with pro-Boer tendencies hurling at us on bumpy wickets . ’
8 Their acute hearing had already informed them that only one set of feet was running in the night , the light footfalls vibrating to them through the drum-like quality of the primeval forest floor .
9 That was when he saw the thin figure jogging towards him in the gloom , and heard the roar of engines come up fast behind him .
10 And there , framed in the open doorway , long legs braced apart , blazing eyes flashing from her to Rainald and back again , stood fitzAlan .
11 Did she imagine it or did a head of bronze curls pop round the door , and were a pair of peacock-blue eyes gazing at her with implacable hatred ?
12 You 're going to spend the next few months hanging over them with your heart thumping in case they 've stopped breathing and the next few years after that stopping them committing suicide because a perfectly ordinary house has turned into a minefield of electricity and stairs and windows and boiling kettles .
13 But Izzie , watching the figure loping towards them with his strange , wolf-like walk , suddenly knew how the Devil will look on the day of his Redemption .
14 ‘ I 've been beating the bushes looking for you for hours ! ’
15 So the Bangles disbanded and Hoffs walked into the sunset , a thousand corporate cheque books glinting behind her in the sun 's twilight glow .
16 The ketchup bottle cascaded out into a million glass fragments which showered down in slow motion ; floating and turning lazily like snowflakes , the light shivering in them like jewels .
17 He stood within the doorway looking at her for a moment .
18 He smiled slowly , his eyes dwelling on her in a way which sent the warm blood pouring into her face .
19 Next day Gabriel took the form of a monk and returned to the tree ; this time he found all three brothers lying under it in the shade and talking together , while the white blossom fell on them like snow .
20 I seemed to remember statuary and flowers — hibiscus or something flaming red , roses maybe , in great urns — and there were doubtless other bedrooms leading off it with similar softly sliding glass doors .
21 The other girl made no attempt to hide her disgust as she turned back to the books lying before her on the table , and Rory felt her spirits sink still further as she headed for the door .
22 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
23 In the same way all three points need to have equal weight going through them in order to maintain balance and coordination without placing an undue strain upon muscles and joints .
24 I opened the conservatory door to slip out to my bedroom the back way and noticed a pair of eyes peering at me from behind the rubber plant in the far corner , distorted by the old glass .
25 And with his round face and friendly little circular eyes peering at you from behind those less-than-state-of-the-art spectacles .
26 They crossed the road to face the oncoming traffic and had just passed a 40 mph speed limit sign when he looked over his shoulder and saw a car heading towards them on the wrong side of the road .
27 Ward began to explain , about Iris Sunderby and the boat waiting for us in Punta Arenas .
28 He stood up , his deep blue glance moving over her in a slow appraisal that burned into the very pores of her skin , and she realised , in those few heart-stopping moments , what a mistake it had been to confront him .
29 Urquhart smiled , his eyes chiselling into hers with hypnotic intensity .
30 Lucenzo crushed her body closer to his , driving her into a fast , whirling quickstep , his thighs moving against hers with hard , male insistence .
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