Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This supply response takes a variety of forms depending on the institutional arrangements within particular labour markets , but the Lucas model postulates that there will be a diminished demand for holidays and other leisure activities and an increased demand for overtime or weekend working .
2 Buddie was sitting on a hard chair with one foot resting on an upturned petrol-tin .
3 In its original form the Bill made provision for a single ballot , the decision resting on a simple majority of those voting .
4 For my part I think that there is abundant evidence which would have justified this court in substituting findings that Miss T. was not in a physical or mental condition which enabled her to reach a decision binding on the medical authorities and that even if , contrary to that view , she would otherwise have been in a position to reach such a decision , the influence of her mother was such as to vitiate the decision which she expressed .
5 place the services with the proposed single-tier local authorities — i.e. between 15 to 51 authorities depending on the future structure of local government .
6 The huddle of noisy stalls in the back streets were a clamour of life and colour , selling diamanté , silk ribbons , radios , clothes , dead fish sliced up on cold slabs , snakes split down the middle , innards steaming on the bloodied stone floors , live birds in cages , killed with a hammer then plucked and sold , and thousand-year-old eggs streaked black and white with gaudy orange centres .
7 The ponds hold the usual species associated with this type of habitat , with Great Crested Grebes and Tufted Ducks nesting on the larger ponds and lakes , and the small breeding population of Teal in the county largely restricted to this habitat or the smaller streams and marshes , rarely being found breeding on the river levels .
8 Note that the G appearing on the right-hand side of ( 7.16 ) is the usual gravitational constant and not some contraction of a tensor .
9 The official response was equally conditioned by short-term considerations centring on the reserve position and by lack of understanding of the issues involved .
10 For stocking stitch knitting on a standard gauge machine , this often means no weights and , for pattern knitting , just the claw weights .
11 The student begins with his right foot forward , with most of his weight resting on the left leg .
12 They can be either one-hole or two-hole depending on the fitting details for your sink .
13 1 ) The 4 023 can be direct or indirect injection depending on the original engine application 2 ) You connect the brake servo to the exhauster pump fitted to the front of the engine 3 ) Your radiator , if in good condition , is perfect for the diesel 4 ) The brakes and suspension as fitted to the 2.6 are fine 5 ) One fuel filter and water trap are sufficient on the fuel system unless operating the vehicle in a very dirty environment where two would be required
14 He was abreast with the lorry when I saw the oncoming small black car overtaking on the other side , and overtaking fast .
15 In each set there were 16 words appearing on the left and 16 words appearing on the right .
16 An almost annual phenomenon of the garden book trade is horticultural convergence — two or more books appearing on the same , previously neglected subject , often without the authors knowing anything of their rivals ' work .
17 His second example involved a transhipment bill of lading issued by the first carrier and damage or loss occurring on the second carrier 's vessel .
18 Kenneth Clarke , the UK Home Secretary , announced on May 8 that intelligence operations to uncover Irish terrorist units operating on the British mainland would henceforth be led by MI5 , the UK security service .
19 Richard touched his finger reflexively to a light dressing on the left side of his neck where it met the collarbone .
20 The whole joint family is on the scene , bearing the onslaught of British society and groaning with agony as a result groaning on the one hand because of the intense racism and poverty it faces and on the other because of the confusions caused by the irrelevance in Britain of its most valued concepts .
21 The force acting on a mass m g in a gravitational field g is .
22 I look forward to welcoming you to Wales ( hopefully ) at the next Wildlife Link / Forestry Commission liaison meeting on the 29th and 30th of October .
23 It has become evident since the second oil shock that the major incentive to energy efficiency is a pricing policy where price is directly related to real cost and value , in other words passing on the rising cost of oil and its products to the end consumer .
24 For example , two-dimensional animals living on a one-dimensional earth would have to climb over each other in order to get past each other .
25 The streets grew narrower , every doorway seemed to offer goods , there were wooden booths in small squares dappled with shade , selling pottery and saddles built on wooden frames , then the cool blue and green tiled courtyard of a mosque , with voices chanting on a high-pitched note .
26 the establishment of a new species of law centre , ‘ Citizens ’ Law Centres , ’ financed out of public funds , without involvement in general community work such as the mounting of campaigns or political or social work , with clients paying on the same basis as legally-aided clients of private practitioners , managed by a central agency and advised by a local advisory committee ;
27 The farm has nine acres of land , including the ruins of an old British indigo factory — a long redbrick wall with trees and bushes growing on the old factory floor , weeds climbing along the bricks .
28 The wedge of light lying on the open stairway leading down from the hatch fanned out and a voice draped in icicles called :
29 US State Department reports on Aug. 3 had alleged that Iraqi forces had been spotted by reconnaissance aircraft massing on the Saudi border in preparation for a possible invasion .
30 He shook his head , settling back again in his chair , his eyes fixing on the silvery ribbon of water swirling away between the trees .
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