Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] it in the " in BNC.

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1 It is an unrelieved black except for the white flanks but a watcher catching it in the right light might see the head has an iridescent purple sheen which can be striking .
2 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
3 Post-GLC and with Third Term Thatcherism staring it in the face , Labour did , in a sense , revert to type .
4 Mr Fox said that original fittings , including Winston Churchill 's hotline and the phone booth housing it in the Admiral 's offices , will be installed early next year .
5 Seasons : At an altitude of 2,475′ ( 750m ) , this mountain crag faces NE and gets morning sunshine , with the top third of Titan 's Wall receiving it in the evening .
6 Hong Kong has transformed the regions surrounding it in the past five or six years .
7 I know that they 've stopped people doing it in the past because they would n't , did n't want .
8 The savings on operating costs alone were immense , some experts putting it in the order of £2 million a year .
9 What can be asserted is that the benefits are too marginal to warrant the attention the subject has aroused — and the undertaking too complex to be able to withstand the political controversy surrounding it in the West .
10 Although the laws governing the different orders are not strictly reducible to each other , Comte felt that the basis for sociology could be found in biology , the science preceding it in the hierarchy .
11 I admit my man was out of order tackling it in the way he did , for which he will be disciplined , I assure you . ’
12 A new sensitivity to the subject is suggested by the series of laws and practices concerning it in the nineteenth century .
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