Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 These findings also have important implications for the analysis of prolonged motility recordings in patients with non-cardiac chest pain : repetitive simultaneous pressure waves occurring at the time of an attack of chest pain , do not necessarily indicate that the pain was accompanied by disorders of oesophageal motility , or that such disorders were the cause of the chest pain .
2 Social democratic parties have existed in Europe for a century or more ; the Democratic and Republican parties in the US are well over a century old , and indeed have a certain continuity with earlier parties dating from the time of the American Revolution ; conservative parties on a mass basis were created soon after the emergence of social democracy in Europe ; and communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution .
3 What would the position be if there was an exceptionally strong gale blowing at the time of the original road accident ?
4 At six months old , she 's already visited three mills — perhaps she will attend a formulation meeting by the time she 's two ?
5 We had Desmond Child producing at the time when Bon Jovi were at the top of the ladder .
6 Small mammal faunas in the fossil record provide one of the principal methods of interpreting the ecology or habitat existing at the time the fossils were preserved .
7 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
8 The main right-wing opposition party , National Renewal ( RN ) , criticized the description of the political circumstances existing at the time of the coup , but otherwise gave the report a favourable reception , as did the parties of Aylwin 's centre-left government and the mainstream left .
9 Where liability for negligence is excluded by a notice , the reasonableness of the exclusion depends on whether it would be fair and reasonable to allow reliance on the notice having regard to the circumstances existing at the time liability arose , or would have arisen .
10 The responses could be analysed for differences in opinion depending on the time since the respondent had suffered from the illness or between those who had ever and those who had never suffered from the illness in question .
11 FIFA president Joao Havelange and general secretary Sepp Blatter were holding a crisis meeting at the time with UEFA officials and French federation president Jean Fournet-Fayard , who had been urgently summoned to Zurich .
12 Q : What were you and your husband doing at the time ?
13 However , major defects existing at the time of the sale are another matter .
14 Shigeru Tokinoya , who was in charge of textbook screening at the time Professor Ienaga 's book was banned , said : ‘ All of our corrections should have been upheld …
15 The digesta version , contrary to its usual practice , seems to have struck out more unnecessary detail than the responsa , such as the lengthy description of the debts and the circumlocution referring to the time the will was made .
16 One source was a body working at the time of the publication of Barlow , in association with the National Council of Social Science : the Hygiene Committee of the Women 's Group on Public Welfare which met between 1939 and 1942 .
17 There was a lot of evidence accumulating at the time about lateralization of function in bird brains — for instance , it appears that chicks respond behaviourally in different ways when they view things with left and right eyes , while in song birds like canaries and zebra finches , the ‘ song centre ’ is located in a left-hemisphere region , rather close to our IMHV .
18 The following policy exclusions are of importance in determining whether a valid subsidence claim exists : o Defective design or inadequate construction of the foundations — e.g. where the foundations of a property have not been constructed to a level required by regulations applying at the time of construction .
19 The 1971 Act provides that all permissions must have conditions relating to the time within which the development must be started and approval of reserve matters sought .
20 At London 's new Lanesborough Hotel , public area lighting is linked by a timer to an outdoor sensor which controls the lights according to the time or cloud cover .
21 Where the business association takes the form of a partnership , a writ or originating summons can be served on any one or more of the partners ; at the principal place of business of the partnership within the jurisdiction on any person having at the time of service the control or management of the partnership business there ; or by sending a copy of the document by post to the firm at that principal place of business .
22 The requirement to take ‘ all practicable measures ’ involves more than taking reasonable care : it means doing what is feasible in the light of the state of knowledge existing at the time of the alleged breach of duty , thus knowledge as to the availability of abatement methods and the likelihood of the dust or fumes to cause injury or offence is relevant.l
23 The provisions contained in this paragraph shall be reviewed for 1993 in the light of the conditions obtaining at the time
24 Copies ordered at a later date may cost £5.00 depending upon the time lapse between the registration of death and the date of the order .
25 Having discussed certain arguments relating to the time when the property passed ( which were relevant to an additional and unsound argument put forward by the insurers ) , he continued , at p. 280 :
26 There was a decline in the island s population in the mid-1850s associated with many people emigrating at the time of the oidium disease of the vines .
27 Some early maps of this type show , albeit crudely , the kinds of houses existing at the time of drafting , and it is possible to appreciate the difference between the houses of , say , the more well-to-do freeholder and the lowlier tenant .
28 Most current schemes of assessment for lower-attainers existing at the time the report was written , concentrated on computational skills .
29 In flight refreshment or meals according to the time of day .
30 Light refreshments/meals are served on all flights according to the time of day .
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