Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
2 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
3 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
4 There are files of correspondence , rentals and accounts relating to the several divisions of the estate ; approximately 500 maps ( many being older items previously overlooked ) ; boxes on a miscellany of topics from industry and agriculture to education and churches ; and much that is as yet totally unsorted .
5 Yoma 's former husband Ibrahim al Ibrahim , appointed by Menem as Chief of Customs at Buenos Aires international airport , along with a former government official , Mario Caserta , had also been accused of drug laundering in the same report .
6 An almost annual phenomenon of the garden book trade is horticultural convergence — two or more books appearing on the same , previously neglected subject , often without the authors knowing anything of their rivals ' work .
7 Here is another chapter opening from the same children 's book .
8 And all officers and ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majestyes and their successors according to the same in all times to come …
9 It did n't take long to get Graham 's eyes looking in the same direction .
10 Possibly dinosaurs living in the latter phase had developed complex social structures , as today occurs in some reptilian genera .
11 We rode on to the moors and found Linton lying in the same place as before .
12 Only eight out of 26 ministers retained their posts in a new Cabinet announced on July 19 ; key ministries remaining in the same hands included Defence under Maj.-Gen.
13 the establishment of a new species of law centre , ‘ Citizens ’ Law Centres , ’ financed out of public funds , without involvement in general community work such as the mounting of campaigns or political or social work , with clients paying on the same basis as legally-aided clients of private practitioners , managed by a central agency and advised by a local advisory committee ;
14 The future 's not certain for Little Jay , but to prevent other animals going through the same agony police say owners must be extra-vigilant .
15 Despite popular mythology concerning ‘ evil ’ and vicious species that track down their victims ruthlessly and mercilessly , the reality is that no venom , no poison , no bite , no sting , is ever administered except under extreme provocation or simply by accident , unless the victim is either a potential prey or a rival belonging to the same species .
16 At Cuddington , an adjacent manor belonging to the same lord , there were thirteen land assessments in 1522 compared with only two freeholders a generation later .
17 The result of this process is a discrimination tree , any of whose sub-trees contain a set of words beginning with the same phonemic description .
18 The kinetic energy lost by a body of mass m rising through the same distance is remarkably similar : .
19 The effects will be broadly similar in all aircraft belonging to the same group .
20 Erm , the simulator will be developed er for this aircraft starting at the same time as we enter the production investment phase .
21 This means that a 40 ton lorry travelling at 70 miles an hour has 53 times the destruction power and maiming power that is possessed by a 0.75 ton sports car travelling at the same speed .
22 With the narrow lanes around Bentworth , any approaching traffic would have had to give way and cars travelling in the same direction could have been held up .
23 ( b ) Express terms negative implied terms An express term in a lease generally excludes the possibility of the implication of a term dealing with the same subject matter as the implied term .
24 This was followed in the case of Ellen Street Estates Ltd. v. The Minister of Health ( C.A. , 1934 ) where the court found that it was impossible for Parliament to enact that , in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter , there should be no implied repeal .
25 The Legislature can not , according to our constitution , bind itself as to the form of subsequent legislation , and it is impossible for Parliament to enact that in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter there can be no implied repeal .
26 As regards the nature of comparative investigation itself within the subject , Sturmthal ( 1958 , p. 77 ) defines it as ‘ research dealing with the same ( or similar or related ) phenomena in different countries ’ .
27 Sometimes an elaborate display involving ritual dunging on the same spot ( like dogs peeing on car wheels ) is necessary .
28 Triangles represent progressively increasing amounts of extract in the lanes covered by the triangle , the amounts of control extract corresponding to the same range of amounts of the VT2 extract used .
29 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
30 The minimal acceptances are thus essentially sets of channels , and so in constructing them we must identify all guards corresponding to the same channel .
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