Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The following month he publicly waived the death sentence hanging over the organizers of the second coup attempt of 1983 .
2 ‘ She 's had a blood leakage into the vitreous humour , ’ Belinda explained unnecessarily , her heart thudding at the sight of him .
3 I heard a terrible pounding in my ears , my heart thudding like a drum , my stomach lurching as I swung on the end of the rope .
4 Her flesh was vibrantly alert , too sensitive , her heart thudding like a runner 's , wild hot panic flooding her reactivated mind .
5 Modules may be offered as free-standing units or in integrated modular programmes depending on the needs of various client groups .
6 He advances steadily and unhurriedly , with his battle-squadrons laid out in paragraphs i , ii , and iii , in sub-paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) , in Introductions and Conclusions , his red hair gleaming like an oriflamme .
7 For an instant , in her imagination , the ballroom was peopled with guests , and Benedict was partnering her , his gold hair gleaming in the light , his eyes on hers … dancing with the bride .
8 Mounted on fine horses and riding at a gallop , two abreast , naked to the breech-clout , their faces covered with white , red and yellow paint in fanciful designs , and decked with plumes and feathers and trinkets fluttering in the sunshine .
9 The coexistence of these two problems means that a choice must be made between an expansionary or contractionary budget depending on the government 's preference : higher employment or stable prices .
10 The only sound was the sea against the rocks and the hollow call of hungry birds circling in the sky .
11 Foxgloves form the foreground of my design this month , with sunflowers reaching up to the flocks of birds circling in the sky , above the cottage rooftops .
12 The younger was nineteen or so , just a few inches taller than Melanie , with longish , bright red hair hanging over the collar of a dark blue , rather military looking jacket with shoulder flaps and brass buttons .
13 Later it could develop into music groups consisting of a variety of instruments and voices , bands , instrumental ensembles or dance groups .
14 It is therefore primarily an adult process , but will take different forms depending on the circumstances of the participants .
15 This argument takes one of two forms depending upon the outlook of its proponent : either it is said that Europe must look to her own defence as a consequence of the American disengagement ; alternatively it is argued that Europe ought in principle to defend herself , so as to speed the departure of the US troops and be free of American ‘ domination ’ .
16 It is a question of fact in each case depending upon the circumstances , section 31(2) .
17 Any such movement usually occurs in the early part of a buildings 's life but this may not always be the case depending upon the nature of the subsoil upon which the building is founded .
18 It moved uncertainly towards her , its uncut claws rattling on the tiles , and gave her hand a soft , wet greeting .
19 They could see Mr Flood fussing round the window of his shop as if he were still worried about what they could have found so amusing in its contents .
20 For some time there had been allegations in the foreign media of a power struggle centring on the issue of introducing political reforms between Alia and Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who was chair of the Democratic Front ( an umbrella organization dominated by the ruling Party of Labour — APL ) and who reputedly wielded great influence in the APL central committee .
21 How this reminds me of old times , ’ she sighed , looking round at the hall with its decorated stalls and paper chains and lanterns hanging from the rafters .
22 Coloured lanterns hanging from the trees ; a quartet of musicians playing from a boat on the lake , as well as a band for dancing … ’
23 The payments on a lease will normally be lower than on a contract allowing for the purchase of the asset , although sometimes the difference is small and then a rebate is made when the term of the contract finishes and the plane is sold .
24 Thurmaston , just to the north of Leicester , was another village that had become dependent upon framework knitting by the beginning of the nineteenth century .
25 He remembered him as ‘ a brown bagger ’ , that is a man who to save money brought a sandwich lunch in a brown bag rather than waste time and money eating in the mess .
26 A narrow lane branching off the village street led to it .
27 As it floats away , the spider continues to spin until there may be as much as a yard of thread hanging in the air .
28 He could have been plummeting down to the centre of the earth , in a submarine nudging over the seabed or flying soundlessly through outer space .
29 You may refuse to believe it 's happened to you : some people who 've been made redundant pretend everything 's the way it was and set off for work at the same time , then spend hours hanging around the streets , teashops or libraries until they can go home at the usual time .
30 It is clear that these organizations have different points of unity depending on the concerns of their members .
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