Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] him [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If Ackerley derived any satisfaction from this rough , rackety , frustrated life it was in his work at The Listener , where his enlightened editorial policies make him sound like a reviewer 's dream ( he telephoned contributors at midnight to query the removal of a comma ) .
2 His notebooks show him hesitating between reminiscence ( ‘ It was exactly eight years ago ’ ) and testimony during trial ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell everything ’ ) .
3 The slightly bent legs enable him to spring into action immediately , whereas stiff-locked legs would first have to become unlocked before attacking .
4 Old school photo graphs show him sitting like a wise and attentive owl , surrounded by his charges .
5 His first student essays in photography show him fascinated by natural order and symmetry , the geometry of nature , the abstract face of concrete things .
6 Some of his feats make him sound like the Bionic Man .
7 The traveller , we now discover , is a young man whose ailing parents want him to stay within reach .
8 When at last his parents find him sitting among the teachers in the Temple , they ask him what he is doing .
9 He has built up a reputation for naïvely self-important pronouncements on the state of the world and for a determined shunning of personal publicity , but circumstances force him to stand by his words when the Evallonian Royalists seek his support .
10 The Danish mid-thirteenth-century Annales Ryenses have him deposed in favour of Cnut for effeminacy , and Cnut then replaced by Harald because of absence from Denmark , but restored after Harald 's death .
11 John became a justice of the Common Bench in Easter term 1275 and the formal records of the court show him acting as a justice continuously down to the end of 1289 .
12 The efforts of Rusty Conway , Chief Public Relations Officer at U.V.I. , to minimize the publicity caused by this event get him entangled in the competing empires of television and the press .
13 ‘ Then will you men tell him to speak to the farm manager ? ’ said Bathsheba in a businesslike way , as she rode off .
14 Wardens find him sitting in a fake oak tree beside the replica of a female tawny owl .
15 Thus suppose , to take a less bloodthirsty example , that Pooh 's desire for honey makes his belief that there 's some in the cupboard cause him to go to the cupboard to get it .
16 Do n't we want write and in fact get him to come to the next meeting then
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