Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] from [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both of these methods suffer from oscillations in performance associated with their mode of action , and neither performs as well as ‘ static ’ randomization methods .
2 His roles range from transvestites to teenage murderers , though some viewers complain that , whatever the film , he is always playing himself : massive , extravagant , scruffy-haired .
3 Ammonoids differ from nautiloids in the suture lines being wavy or crimped ; this of course reflects an elaboration of the outer part of the walls ( septa ) separating the chambers in the earlier part of the shell .
4 The data come from video-recordings of lessons in progress , supplemented by interviews with both the teachers and children involved .
5 These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception .
6 General pictures of what happens during the middle years are inevitably flawed , but they suggest that a change often takes place in marriage at that time and that for many people satisfactions come from sources outside the couple 's relationship .
7 Something had changed and we have tentatively come to the opinion that the problems at Brooks Brothers stem from misapprehensions on the part of its owner , a firm that ought to know better .
8 If they exist , these pictures come from specialists in disinformation with a grudge .
9 Bradshaw and Morgan demonstrate that children whose parents are in receipt of supplementary benefit suffer from deficiencies of iron and calcium and are below a basic clothing standard .
10 Responses range from feelings of helplessness to anger — the latter increasingly common .
11 Such duties derive from decisions of the Courts of Chancery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , intended to ensure that persons/trustees who held assets or provided services for the benefit of others did so in good faith and for the benefit of those they represented .
12 On the other hand , some accents differ from others in having more phonemes and phonemic contrasts .
13 As with XLA , most human genetic disorders arise from mutations in genes that encode currently unknown proteins .
14 Applicants benefit from delays in determination systems and the complicated review procedures after the initial decision .
15 Contributions range from Standards in chemistry at GCE advanced level , through Entropy and the second law — fourth year undergraduate 's ideas , to Looking at lectures through the eyes of students .
16 Some of the best ideas emanate from territories with no street or club culture to speak of .
17 Almost all the differences in size and general form of an organism arise from differences in the number , activity and persistence of the centres of cell division .
18 The South African collections come from caves in the Transvaal ( Makapansgat ) and from the Cape ( Boomplaas ) .
19 They sell goods direct from communities in developing countries and say they 're selling the briquetters to encourage Eric Lamont-Gregory in his quest to export his invention to the third world .
20 ‘ With rare exceptions , in working-class families aid from grandparents to their adult children was at best symbolic : a parcel of rabbits from the country , or a turkey sent for Christmas .
21 These changes arise from changes in the laminar velocity profile .
22 Sir Anthony Meyer : Do movements in the unemployment figures result from differences between jobs lost and jobs gained ?
23 Similar problems follow from centuries of unequal treatment of men and women .
24 The volcanoes erupt from depths of around ten kilometres — much deeper than levels reached by drilling — and bring oil , gas , water and rocks to the surface .
25 Local authorities can only do what the law explicitly allows ; all council powers come from Acts of Parliament .
26 One in 50 people suffer from attacks of night terrors .
27 Excuses vary from difficulties in obtaining payment to the daunting prospect of completing export documentation .
28 Four key features emerge from studies of CMHTs which bear on these problems .
29 This emphasis on economic theory is important , since many of the controversies concerning economic policy arise from disagreements about the appropriate model of the economy .
30 Many human developmental abnormalities arise from abnormalities in the moulding of sheets of cells .
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