Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 The earliest known frescoes date to the time of the second temples , i.e. from 1700 BC onwards .
2 The initial treatment intervals start from the time of completion of the initial recanalisation , whether this took one or more treatments .
3 Although history dates it to the Golden Age of Magna Graecia , some of the region 's most glorious monuments date from the time of Byzantium and Norman rule .
4 Some of the earliest material ( i.e. object-types which are found both on the Continent and in England ) was dated by reference to the historical sources : ‘ the oldest brooches belong to the time of the invasion ’ ( 156 ) .
5 Marital : Many a parental marriage is broken by the amount of focus put on the problems of the child primary sufferer rather than Upon improving the marital relationship and giving each other support in the time of crisis .
6 Our chosen passages speak of the time between fulfilment and fulfilment .
7 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
8 The railway 's team crane , which was part of a demonstration goods train at the time , turned from game-keeper to poacher as it became derailed and had to be rescued by another crane .
9 Much symbolism and tradition are attached to these maypole ceremonies , but traditions adapt to the times .
10 Some of my happiest memories date from the time when Father was alive .
11 If no particular difficulties arise at the time of the rent review the costs of the arbitration need not be great since evidence and submissions can be presented informally .
12 command essentially presses Return for the TIME command .
13 Were the windows open at the time ?
14 THE more scientists write to The Times threatening to vote Labour unless we give them huge sums of money , the more many of us feel it is time to call a halt to science .
15 ‘ Respect for the individual ’ still drives personnel policies , but its manifestations move with the times .
16 The ‘ pulsating cusp ’ model uses the fact that the spectra of particles arriving at the ionosphere on a given field line depend upon the time elapsed since that field line was reconnected .
17 The deadlines refer to the time at which the convergence conditions will be examined .
18 I was a big Smiths fan at the time , but after a while I found it just was n't raw or hard enough for me .
19 As a result , many women conceive at the time most convenient to their lives and seek satisfactory rather than ideal medical facilities .
20 The moderator will normally expect to see documentary evidence of the circumstances cited and samples of the students work at the time of moderating the assignments and/or examination scripts .
21 According to Central Statistical Office data ( 1988 ) the largest number of road casualties per hour coincide with the times of day when traffic is at its heaviest , reaching a peak between 5 and 6 p.m. and with a secondary peak between 8 and 9 a.m .
22 But speaking about the possible loss of a new community centre , she added : ‘ The parish council have reluctantly taken the view that the Junior School is paramount at this time but , should land values improve by the time the site is actually sold , the community centre should still be a possibility .
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