Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of transactions costs for trading futures and assuming no risk aversion or preference , the current price of a futures contract for delivery at time T in a competitive market will equal today 's expectation of the spot price at time T , that is , F t = E ( S T ) .
2 A similar relationship holds between the prices of futures contracts with different delivery months : where P f 1 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 1 , P f 2 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 2 ( T 1 < T 2 ) .
3 A similar relationship holds between the prices of futures contracts with different delivery months : where P f 1 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 1 , P f 2 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 2 ( T 1 < T 2 ) .
4 In other words , the current futures price will equal the market average expectation of the future spot price ; i.e. , , where P f = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T , P S T = spot price in year T , E ( ) = market average expectations operator based on all current information .
5 The characteristics of these adjectives correspond to occurrence in the underlined position of the structure in ( 21 ) where the verb and the adjective are immediately bound together to form a complex property-nucleus which then enters into construction with the object : ( 21 )
6 The views correspond to relative versus absolute wealth reduction and the implied rates can be seen from Table 12–6 and guessed easily .
7 For instance , genes coding the proteins known as fibrinopeptides change in evolution at a rate that closely approximates the basic mutation rate .
8 Left of centre policies alternate with right of centre policies violently , rapidly , and on the basis of ideological considerations alone unrelated to the " real " needs of the situation .
9 For example , while the present data show how soft constraints affect preference ( and thus the state of the comprehension system ) , they can not address the question of how the preferences develop over time on reading a stimulus sentence .
10 Sheep graze within view of the house and also a herd of Aberdeen Angus , and a number of horses , some with foals .
11 On almost any evening in central and southern Malaysia barn owls congregate after hunting at favoured spots , and do not disperse again until after dawn .
12 Since sexuality is so deeply inbuilt in us , it is there from the beginning and only its manifestations change from infancy to old age .
13 Satisfaction and horror jostle for position on his face .
14 The icons change from level to level , but the effect remains the same .
15 Ideologies change in response to material circumstances and needs and the 1970 rock/pop shift was not just the result of some random play of stars and influences .
16 Although the detailed patterns change from generation to generation — as both C clusters and D clusters expand , collide , and fragment — the asymptotic overall fraction of sites occupied by C , f C , fluctuates around 0.318 for almost all starting proportions and configurations .
17 ( Stimulus A of fig. 5.10 might be said to be enriched , if only a little , by virtue of its ability to evoke the image of X. ) The differentiation theory , in contrast , holds that ‘ percepts change over time by progressive elaboration of qualities , features and dimensions of variation ’ ( Gibson and Gibson 1955 , p. 34 ) , that is , by an elaboration of aspects of the stimulus that are present in it from the outset .
18 I 'm in some ways surprised the non-political groups want to affiliate with with the party .
19 The chefs cook in front of customers , and you can make your own pizzas .
20 In living lizards and crocodiles , new teeth appear in sequence below the functional teeth , which are effectively dead , and force them out periodically .
21 Neo-fascists apologise for disruption in Strasbourg
22 These rules test for similarity between the word in focus and its neighbours , the highest similarity indicating the correct sense .
23 Part one provides instruction in the use and practice of English in different types of communication , including essay , business letter and other forms of business writing ; activities provide for development of all the skills .
24 It has sometimes been remarked that the courts test for transfer of an enterprise is an employment one rather than a commercial one .
25 Many of the part-timers report for duty for twelve nights every month .
26 Marking for tense and aspect , then , are other communicative devices for getting features of context into focus , for providing a sharper definition of what words mean in relation to the external world .
27 An additional provision should be made in the profit and loss account for replacement of rail passenger assets .
28 R.18 provides that broadly recognitions remain in force for three years ; specifically a recognition remains in force until the third 31st May next after it is granted .
29 These results support the hypothesis that complications in Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus develop in association with increased exposure of the oesophagus to an alkaline environment which appears to be secondary to duodenogastric reflux .
30 Staff who take such a break remain on contract to Shell .
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