Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed the Us/Them opposition itself , which Fipa perceive as one between Settlers and Strangers , is culturally ‘ played down ’ in favour of the continuing process , by which as a deliberate matter of social and State policy , outsiders are incorporated into the society .
2 Firstly , the researchers dispute amongst themselves over the value of experiments where animals need to be used .
3 Martha shook her head , feeling tiredness descend on her like the low cloud on the mountains , muffling all her emotions .
4 While each of the principal lacunae is developing , a tracheal branch and a nerve grow into it from the base of the wing , the lacunae apparently offering the paths of least resistance .
5 The movement , if odd , was well paced , giving the voices space in which to be heard , and the dance was fluid and convincing .
6 ‘ Does not the whole ensemble speak to you of imperial confidence , a global network of industry ? ’
7 Hence the strategy of the working class is worked out in terms of the opportunities open to it in a particular situation — or rather in terms of the opportunities that Poulantzas claims would have been open to it had the class itself been quite different .
8 The following chapters explain in general the opportunities open to you in an average agency .
9 Black kids look to them as blueprints for their own development .
10 More abstractly the particularities of circumstance which attended both Julian 's and Margery 's report of their experiences illuminate the position of women and the roles open to them within the heirarchy of spiritual authority in the late medieval period .
11 GLIDEWELL L.J. , having reviewed the authorities , concluding with Pao On v. Lau Yiu , continued : It is true that Pao On v. Lau Yiu is a case of a tripartite relationship , that is , a promise by A to perform a pre-existing contractual obligation owed to B , in retum for a promise of payment by C. But Lord Scarman 's words seem to me to be of general application , equally applicable to a promise made by one of the original two parties to a contract .
12 Worries streak towards him like enemy spaceships in one of Gary 's video games .
13 Edward I and Edward II had two principal courses of action open to them in their rivalry with the king of France over judicial supremacy in Aquitaine .
14 The best action open to you at the moment is to undertake a re-entry course which conforms to the criteria outlined in the UKCC 's Guidelines for Good Practice .
15 Hence photographs of herself taken by a lover look like lots of different women .
16 Class Readers seem to me to be an excellent book …
17 Even-more significant for their future growth , Merton has expanded the field of candidates open to them by being able to search globally , as a member of Transearch , a group of internationally affiliated consultancies in fifteen major business centres .
18 The instruction books refer to it as a 2x2 rib but most people call it a 2x1 rib to differentiate between it and a true 2x2 rib , which we will come to late .
19 It may be that in various painful and other unpleasant conditions animals deal with them by an increased usage of endogenous opioids .
20 Our grateful thanks go to them for their support of the Association .
21 wishes to retire as Editor after the May issue of Medau News , and our thanks go to her for a long and excellent Editorship .
22 He then watched separatist parties advance on him from both eastern and western Canada .
23 Its size and mass are similar to the Earth , but too few data exist for it to be known whether its interior composition and structure are as similar .
24 Personal growth and opportunities come to you through intimate one-to-one relationships this summer , Pisces .
25 The contradictions fall into something like a natural order of things , in a flamboyant era when the natural was notalways easy to come by .
26 Even experienced mountain walkers take to them with varying degrees of enthusiasm — so you should consider if that sort of thing will be to the taste of everyone in your group .
27 Clients come to you with an objective and the solicitor 's contribution is to help to achieve this objective within the legal framework .
28 He sees clearly how things stand , and the words come to him with which to describe them .
29 A more healthy statistic is that British companies account for one in three of the firms selling programs for microcomputers in this country .
30 Forcing values upon another without full discussion of what are to count as rights and duties appear to me to be anti-educational .
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